Yuu_ 28 mai à 23h06 
-rep weak a$$ killer lmao. kinda funny they bring a bunch of good perks and add ons, yet still sucks at the game. loses survivors right under their nose. gets hit by pallets and stunned to the max. Keep proxxy camping cause the only way you'll ever win as killer lol
Hi there!
iWolf 17 mai à 7h32 
heyy there!
Lincoln 13 mai à 7h10 
heeeeyooo :D
Crimson 3 mai à 17h42 
local bongo lover
Michael Gray 24 avr. à 19h50 
Hii, not sure why the unadd i'm willing to trade still i can accept items too! (I'm the one who sold you the tyrolean check history)
YYanin 22 avr. à 12h56 
hi, added
Kevuhn 16 avr. à 22h17 
-rep LMAO imagine bringing black ward AND hitting/tunneling off hook just to get 4-outted and dc'ing right before we open gates. Hopefully you learn to play not like a mole one day. You are still just a baby killer though.
The Red Peddler 13 déc. 2023 à 19h56 
-rep hard proxxy camps
Ping Pong 9 déc. 2023 à 22h32 
a very sassy survivor. like to type easy and git good. What a cutie.
Wolfy 1 déc. 2023 à 17h55 
10/10 fun killer, got 2 flashies on and seemed chill
swagalicious 21 nov. 2023 à 20h39 
-rep hard camps and hits on hook when you try to play the game and unhook your teammates (cringe)
BewareTheSheWolf 14 nov. 2023 à 17h22 
- rep, camped hooks from just out of reach and then use iri add ones w/ death slinger to prevent unhooks.
praise_ 13 nov. 2023 à 21h40 
- rep they tunneled me on rpd with nurse + stinky balls
DysonV8AbsoluteCordless 9 nov. 2023 à 20h34 
- rep kinda smells weird and makes me work 2 unpaid 8 hour shifts back to back
Boodles 1 nov. 2023 à 23h37 
- rep kills and tunnels dwights :(
John [Brackets] Lennon 31 oct. 2023 à 17h49 
- rep dylans toxic in chat after match in dbd
ChickenJoe 10 oct. 2023 à 17h16 
- rep tunneled me off hook
LeoGeymer64 1 oct. 2023 à 23h43 
- rep uncircumcised dirty testicles + unfun to play against on among us
Holochi 1 oct. 2023 à 23h40 
Full name + address
Not Sure 27 sept. 2023 à 22h10 
- rep we had one person off themselves and another Disconnect and he sweats and says EZ. TOXIC L Gamer. Prob all testicles and no shaft irl.
Wesker’s Goddess 22 aout 2023 à 20h17 
Loser who has to hard tunnel to win any game lmaooooo
Multi 12 aout 2023 à 18h36 
add me if you want to trade! :)
NobodyNose 10 aout 2023 à 21h06 
+rep negotiable and kind trader