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HungryTapeworm 1 ago 2015, ore 14:04 
Hey ! I have a strange sniper rifle. Responding to your trade offer on Outpost. You don't have one refined. Send me an offer here with what you intend to trade: https://steamcommunity.com/tradeoffer/new/?partner=56637608&token=BS1e_pqr
ikhouvanvenkel 9 feb 2014, ore 1:32 
+rep patient and kind trader, willing to negotiate
cj 9 feb 2014, ore 1:22 
+rep fast trader
mac.morgan 8 feb 2014, ore 11:22 
+rep super fast and a nice trader
Gooseberry 7 feb 2014, ore 9:11 
+Rep very fst trader
DyslexicPikachu 29 dic 2013, ore 14:16 
+rep, really patient trader, has the will to wait out of anything that gets in this person's way.