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Recent reviews by J Anderson

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48 people found this review helpful
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389.1 hrs on record (220.3 hrs at review time)
Early Access Review
Coming from a long time MTG Player and Hearthstone player I really enjoy this game. I got turned on to it because I found out a long time MTG pro named Brian Kibler was one of the driving forces of this game.

This game seems to be one of the best games to limit the amount of randomness that can happen in games that have a resource system. You get to play 2 cards a turn (as long as they have targets when applicable), discard your hand at end of turn and draw 5 again. Whenever you play a card a leveled up version goes into your discard pile which gets reshuffled into your deck every 4 turns. So there's a neat strategy in which cards you play and when. Most cards have 3 different levels (with some having 4 and some that are just 1 but that get buffed based on what turn it is). All combat takes place in lanes (5 of them) which creates some interesting strategy.

You can buy packs and gold in the game but you don't have to. You only need to win 3 games a day to get all the special bonuses (which include packs/cards and silver) and you also get tickets for tournaments. My favorite game mode is there version of draft. You start off with 6 cards that are figured out based on a logarithm of which cards get picked higher. No waiting on other players to choose their cards as yours are all generated just for you. It's a nice approximation of a traditional magic drafting but without having to get 8 players gathered and without waiting for others to choose their cards,
Posted January 18, 2015.
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