i never want to play team fortress 2 again. I'll be doing something else instead of going on steam. Peace out.
Fox McCloud フォックス 18 nov 2021, ore 21:06 
XxDaykoxX 8 feb 2014, ore 16:15 
one day you will come back moogle and when u do i will be waiting
Arky 8 ago 2012, ore 22:47 
Hey, I just wanted to thank you again for the Pip Boy you gave me, I still have it and i'm never going to trade it, It means alot to me.

If you're ever online again it would be nice to chat like we used to.
MindofRyan 29 mag 2012, ore 22:40 
chargeback scammer :/
Poak 29 mag 2012, ore 21:08 
give me your stuff moogle
Gooey Chewies 29 mag 2012, ore 13:37 
Scammer. Chargebacked