bts meal
Spoonter 5月16日 10時44分 
Baking soda is 100% sodium bicarbonate. In elementary school, students mix baking soda, a base, with vinegar, an acid, to make a papier-mâché volcano in science class. Baking soda plus acid equals foamy gas. Baking powder is a mixture of baking soda plus a dry, edible acid like cream of tartar. When you put baking powder in a wet batter, the acid and the base combine, making bubbles. The reason why these two ingredients trip people up is because they sound so similar. However, if there’s anything you should remember when baking a recipe, it’s to follow every step exactly as it’s written. Unlike everyday cooking, baking is more exact chemistry. It’s just like they teach you in Cub Scouts: cook a dish as you wish; bake with batter, everything matters.
Spoonter 5月8日 17時29分 
Whether we wanted it or not, we've stepped into a war with the Automatons in the Andromeda Sector. So let's get to taking out their command, one by one. 01010110 01100001 01101100 01110101 01110011 00100000 01010100 01100001 00100111 01100001 01110101 01110010 01100011. From what I can gather it commands the Heavy Devastators from a Factory Strider on Marfark. It's well protected, but with the right team, we can punch through those defenses, take this beast out, and break their grip on Freedom and Democracy.
Spoonter 5月3日 21時24分 
:butno: Comment section is set to FRIENDS ONLY due to the numerous scammers / impersonators that add people from my comments, and post fishy links.
To get in touch with me, send an offer or add me as a friend. :butno:
󠀡󠀡 5月3日 21時23分 
:butno: Comment section is set to FRIENDS ONLY due to the numerous scammers / impersonators that add people from my comments, and post fishy links.
To get in touch with me, send an offer or add me as a friend. :butno:
Spoonter 5月2日 13時31分 
( . .) "eatz"

/)/) (\(\
( • •)? (• • ) can i pwease eat that too
/づ🍥 vv \

(\(\ (\(\
( • •)No.(• • )
🍥⊂\ vv \

(\(\ (\(\
( • •)(• • ) give me that!
🍥⊂\ ⊂ \

/)/) (\(\
( 0 0) Noo! (. . )
/ づ 🍥 ⊂\

/)/) (\(\
( . .)"" (• • )
Spoonter 5月1日 16時37分 
Speaking of phantoms, are they even real? That might sound like a dumb question because they're definitely a real pain to deal with. But considering the fact that they only appear in the game when you haven't slept for three in-game days, maybe they're just hallucinations. Though, if that's the case, there's definitely some kind of group psychosis going on here. Because it doesn't just matter if you're the only one who doesn't sleep; if all of your friends aren't lucky enough to be around you, then they could also have to deal with the same pain of the Phantoms as well. But really, the real question we should be asking is: why did we ever choose these things over the other mobs in the mob vote? That's a mystery that will elude us all and a mistake that'll haunt us.