Cocanine 24.4.2021 klo 20.22 
meow 25.12.2019 klo 5.27 
Mewwy Chwistmas
SirMorgen 31.8.2019 klo 3.12 
wait, wait, wait.... hold your horses... uhm... YOU'RE A GIRL GAMER?!!?! O_O Not to be a freak, but.. just when I thought you couldn't get more attractive.. you started playing video games. Nicely done, m'lady. You've just become every man's dream woman. If you had missed a couple before, now you can be sure you've got us ALL "drooling", lol.
Antipathic 14.12.2018 klo 13.08 
+rep lovely vandal, actually best trouble maker 69/10 :sjalien:
Seaweed 19.9.2018 klo 20.20 
+rep Kiva ihminen c: Very Nice person who deserves a cookie
Ekitten 9.6.2018 klo 10.40 
mr krabs was a cannibal
Ekitten 24.5.2018 klo 1.10 
く,.ヘヽ.    / ,ー、 〉
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    レ ヘ 7イ`ト  レ'ァ-ト、!ハ|  |
     !,/7 '✪'   ´i✪ハiソ|   |   
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      レ'| | / k7/レ'ヽ, ハ. |
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        kヽ>、ハ   ,.ヘ、   /、!
       !'〈//`T´', \ `'7'ーr'
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         'ー'  !_,.:
LM 16.2.2018 klo 7.08 
Trade Your CS:GO Cases For Keys! 4 Cases = 1 key! {LINKKI POISTETTU}
Mist 20.12.2017 klo 8.22 
I officially declear this account hacked by the one and only johnny ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ bay

The steps are
1-hack the mainframe

2-get sexy pictures of Matthew mcconaughey's gay step brother
3-then hack the mainframe again
3-Han solo dies
5- you didn't even notice that I skipped a number you ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ idiot yea go check it again

6-get saved by johnny bay while almost being killed by a dude that saw you crawling under him and put you down

7-hack the mainframe twice in a row

8-Han solo died
UnfortunateTate 16.11.2017 klo 9.49 
  \\ _
   \( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
    < ⌒ヽ Just remember you're FABULOUS!
   /   へ\
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   レ ノ   ヽつ
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 ( (ヽ
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`ノ )  Lノ
Bacara3D 5.11.2017 klo 2.57 
Man’s got sauce. You don’t force the sauce. Sauce is something, you either have it or you don’t. Can you ask a egg, “How do you have your yolk?” You can’t. Either man’s got the yolk, or man ain’t got the yolk. Man’s got the yolk. Can you ask Heinz how you make ketchup? You can’t. Can you ask Heinz how you make baked beans? You can’t. Can you ask Heinz, “How does man make mayonnaise?” You can’t. Can you ask them about how you make salad cream? You can’t. How you gonna ask a man with sauce, how you get sauce? Either man’s got sauce, or man’s got no sauce. And I’ve got sauce.
Ryte 13.10.2017 klo 20.11 
A wonderful person who can make my dead soul feel alive again, with her amazing singing and beautiful art
BlondeMoment101 11.10.2017 klo 7.17 
+Rep best duet partner and very special ( ^ω^ )
KingJeffo 29.9.2017 klo 8.47 
A good child of mine 10/10
Cocanine 4.9.2013 klo 10.39 

Cocanine 4.9.2013 klo 10.39 
Cocanine 4.9.2013 klo 10.38 
stop hating on dota
Cocanine 4.9.2013 klo 10.38 
Cocanine 28.8.2013 klo 9.47 
Cocanine 28.8.2013 klo 9.46