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Опубликовано: 24 апр. 2016 г. в 5:50

Before everything: if you have win10 don't worry, the latest patches have fixed the majority of the issues (if not considering the train level, wich i completed totally blind because every ambient texture was glithced and invisible)

That said, commandos 3 is far far away from the level of the 2nd chapter: if you are new to the saga go for comm2; if you have already played that and, in a revival of nostalgia, you need more commandos-like missions (that, even when bad, are top notch) go for the 3.
But mind that: the 3d chapter is shorter than the 2nd, the maps are smaller (and more glitchy!), the task are more ripetitive, there are less characters, the storyline is more boring, and -that's a pity- the missions are way more linear; infact there are not much different approaches for the objective, the chests are always few and full of the same "perfect-for-the-moment" objects, etc...
So, is it bad? Not exactly: there still is the sparkle of the old commandos games, visible in the perfect hand-made design of every level, full of little details in wich you'll get your eyes lost, and that will bring you right in 1944; it's the old-school artstyle that wants no compromises.
But the feeling you'll get by playing comm3 will be that one of an unfinished game; yep, unfinished it's the right word: a game where the artstyle and the atmosphere is still gorgeous, but where too many particulars (starting from the welcome of a generic and poor made menu) will make clear the laziness of the general production, and the shabbiness of the levelmaking.
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