Marcus westbrook   Philippines
A Kage Shinobi, Master of Elemental jutsus,Disciple of Altair and Ezio,Grand Master of the assassin order,Immortal heritage,the best wetworks agent in the field. and ageless beyond legends tell.

I am a teenage boy,draws animes, reads manga, love touhou, a TF addict and its wiki contributor and benefactor, a gentleman, (with a major degree of wierdness and stupidity) an NBG (I'm like Hannibal Lecter but with heavy addiction to games) and always WIERD, really XD

I never really like to add friends on steam unless i frequently see them in the server im in or I probably known for a long time

Facebook: Socializing with guys and cosplayers I know
Online: hunting for trolls and discovering map exploits
Away: Playing airsoft as a sniper, or doing something ordinary (obviously)
Busy: Making animations, or online shopping
Offline: im either on a coma, im in a hospital, sleeping, cheating death, or just not feeling on a mood to play (-_-)

Stay real guys
-Miato Hiruzen
Currently Offline
Roflmaozors Aug 17, 2017 @ 9:40pm 
Liamkey here, when u come bak
♚Prof. TrollDemo Ph.D[VтNr] Nov 25, 2013 @ 8:01am 
Welcome back.
redCircuit Dec 30, 2012 @ 11:43am 
Just got my first Bills >:) and sell it to my friend for a bud. He's trading the bud for my bills
Spyper™ Dec 29, 2012 @ 11:47pm 
Not quit, Temporarily retired.

I will be back, in time
redCircuit Dec 29, 2012 @ 11:54am 
So you quitted?
Spyper™ Dec 29, 2012 @ 2:13am 
Its my choice to make. Besides, I'm TEMPORARILY RETIRED.