What are you going to do, bleed on me?

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Artwork Showcase
Eurélia ♡ Jun 22, 2021 @ 4:07pm 
Barth May 31, 2020 @ 2:33am 
Sup man, my friend recommended me to invite you to our team. We have flexible schedule and good salaries. So if you want to try - you're welcome :) Add my main to discuss all of this → https://steamcommunity.com/id/mr_dungeon
Lucy Mar 26, 2020 @ 12:43pm 
Your Steam id 64 won in random selection.
Please go to the website www.skinsgg.store
Be sure to use the code "9Ymr9Ie2Ed" by which we check the winner.
After identifying the code, you will instantly gain access to winning items.
You can choose one of several items:
* Scudpunk Hoodie
* Glowing Skull
* Alien Relic SMG
* Box from Hell
* Plate Carrier - Black
* Polymer MP5
* Creepy Clown Bandana
* Glory SAR
* Glory AK47
* No Mercy Hoodie
* Freshly Dug Grave
* Alien Red
* Metal Tree Door
* AK-47 Victoria
I_love_kristall Mar 26, 2020 @ 10:39am 
Your Steam id 64 won in random selection.
Please go to the website {LINK REMOVED}
Be sure to use the code "9Ymr9Ie2Ed" by which we check the winner.
After identifying the code, you will instantly gain access to winning items.
You can choose one of several items:
* Scudpunk Hoodie
* Glowing Skull
* Alien Relic SMG
* Box from Hell
* Plate Carrier - Black
* Polymer MP5
* Creepy Clown Bandana
* Glory SAR
* Glory AK47
* No Mercy Hoodie
* Freshly Dug Grave
* Alien Red
* Metal Tree Door
* AK-47 Victoria
Kleit Mar 19, 2020 @ 11:06am 
Your Steam id 64 won in random selection.
Please go to the website {LINK REMOVED}
Be sure to use the code "JYV77ZW" by which we check the winner.
After identifying the code, you will instantly gain access to winning items.
You can choose one of several items:
* Scudpunk Hoodie
* Glowing Skull
* Box from Hell
* Plate Carrier - Black
* Polymer MP5
* Creepy Clown Bandana
* Glory SAR
* Glory AK47
* No Mercy Hoodie
* Freshly Dug Grave
* Alien Red
* AK-47 Victoria
Koehoorn Jul 13, 2019 @ 1:57am 
veri rude waraxeman :c