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게시 일시: 2015년 2월 10일 오후 9시 37분
업데이트됨: 2015년 2월 18일 오후 4시 21분

I'm a huge fan of old NES action games and I'm really glad people still make games like these. Everything about Oniken feels like a game from the 80's or early 90's (Ninja Gaiden or Strider are the best examples) except you don't have to start from the very beginning of the game when you run out of lives (Something that I'm actually really glad isn't like how it was back in the day) which is good considering you'll do a lot of dying your first time through a level, just like any good action game. Even the story and achievements have an classic vibe to them!
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Number 6™ 2015년 2월 11일 오전 7시 51분 
Strider? I hardly KNOW her! :B1: