tsu - G★ Oct 23, 2018 @ 12:18am 
Happy Halloween! :halloween::halloween::halloween:
tsu - G★ Jan 12, 2018 @ 6:55am 
this ♥♥♥♥ is far from an 8/8. Infact, I would suggest a mere 10/10. His charm and wit are only second to his outstanding good looks and soothing voice. I met this living god in a solo-q mathmaking game and his charisma and skill weren't the only thing he showcased throughout our matchmaking game. He also had his friends along with him, one of which, was new to the game. Throughout said matchmaking game, neveronman, showcased his leadership and willingness to help his fellow peers and carry alongside the local legend and sex bomb himself, yours truly. This matchmaking game is, and will be one to be remembered through history and time. Tell ya kids about it, nerd.



(Kuri K of the NSW District)
Jacques Often Dec 17, 2012 @ 2:48am 
i am doing this 4 a badge lol