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This review has been long overdue.

Before I start, I should probably state some things:
  1. I'm Bulgarian (ignore the DPRK on my profile) which means that I should have some idea
    whether things are accurate
    for about 1/3 of the DLC.
  2. I've been playing SCS' titles for 10+ years (including the original ETS, Bus Driver, the
    18WoS series etc.), so I guess I've been loyal to them. They weren't though.

  1. Bulgaria is missing a lot of content. A LOT. Major trucking roads have been cut for no obvious reason, cities have almost nothing inside of them (e.g. Varna which has two sea ports which see a lot of truck traffic, none of which were included in the game). Roads which have been included in the game are missing some notable stuff and/or aren't portrayed correctly (if I remember right from what I've read on SCS' forum, this same thing applies to Romania as well). Yes, there's a scaling issue which means not everything can be included, I get that. This, however, is not a valid excuse to not include anything at all. Can't give a full list here because a) it will be too long and b) I've already stated this on SCS' forums over an year ago that I'm willing to give a full list if they cared, they, however, care did not.
  2. Several road signs in Bulgaria are littered with mistakes. Again, I've stated this over a year ago on their forums - no reaction whatsoever. On the topic of spelling mistakes, one thing I found pretty ignorant is that they assumed that Bulgarians and Russians use the same language, so they decided to just throw the Russian IKEA asset (hence the logo had a spelling mistake) in Sofia and call it a day. At least they fixed that.
  3. One thing that is just sticking out like a sore thumb to this day - the Bran castle. I remember some Romanians talking about this before and after the DLC came out - trucks are NOT allowed in the area around the Bran castle which has been included in the DLC. This is a truck sim, not a sightseeing sim for crying out loud.

And much much more. Don't forget, I can only comment on Bulgaria but IIRC, Romania is plagued with issues as well. And I hear you say 'pff, that's not such a major thing to write a negative review about, what's the deal here' and honestly, I agree with you. But. Loads of these issues were brought up before the DLC even came out which means they COULD have reacted if they wanted to. I distinctly remember how at several points during the pre-release streams the chat was LITERALLY BOMBARDED with people giving constructive (more or less) criticism on things that were wrong but that Alex guy that's responsible for the streams was constantly repeating 'yep, chat says we've done a good job, whoop de doo', ignoring the wall of messages calling out the issues. Needless to say, these issues were never fixed.

I had been waiting to see my country in one of their games for years. I so SO wanted them to get it right. They didn't, so I gave feedback on what can be improved on the forums. 1+ year later, nothing has changed. So much for the #BestCommunityEver nonsense. All of this honestly feels like a backstab.

TL;DR: The DLC feels half-finished. Don't buy it. Do it only if you need it for ProMods or other map mods, preferably if it's on sale.
Posted March 28, 2021. Last edited March 28, 2021.
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