Peter   Germany
I make videos on Youtube!
Also, I don't add random people anymore, I am sorry, don't take it personally.
FAD (Frequently asked dogs):

1) Dog?
Yes, dog. :tobdog:

2) What kind of dog?
:tobdog: :tobdog: :tobdog:

3) Again, dog?

4) But-


5) :tobdog:
(The dog has absorbed the rest of the questions)
Bendroo 9.7.2023 klo 3.56 
Hey Peter, have you heard of this funny meme called "Harabe"? It's pretty funny.
ultr4nima 5.7.2020 klo 4.31 
Hey Peter, have you heard of this funny meme called "Harabe"? It's pretty funny.
Bendroo 5.7.2020 klo 3.18 
How has nobody commented on here for two years
Hab 25.11.2018 klo 6.40 
yes the vaccinator, the concept that looks very good on paper but

is it????
ultr4nima 29.9.2018 klo 7.14 
that is unholy
LimblessCryptid 21.9.2018 klo 19.40 
+rep lets me draw his icon with boobs :TheRooster: