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Perfektionistin esittelykokonaisuus
Saavutukset täydellisissä peleissä
Arvostelujen esittely
pelattu 2,1 tuntia
Baby game for babies.
tuntia pelattu
Harvinaisin saavutus -esittely
Arvostelujen esittely
pelattu 94 tuntia
I previously had posted a positive review for this game, but after the recent announcement to require a PSN account and witnessing community managers alienate the community I can't recommend this game to new players.

I will not be making a PSN account that i will never use just to continue playing this game. Not to mention Sony has a history of data breaches. Since I will never be able to play Helldivers 2 again after this change, I will also be requesting a refund.

This was an entirely unnecessary requirement to force into the game that alienates a player-base that for the most part adored everything about this game and the studio that made it.
SarcasticSeagull 5.6.2013 klo 17.49 
Nice pic
Saber 16.7.2012 klo 5.56 
Nice pic