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2 people found this review helpful
425.7 hrs on record (198.8 hrs at review time)
Absolutely stellar game, a culmination of everything Miyazaki and Fromsoft have learned since Demon Soul's. This game is nothing short of an amazing high fantasy action rpg that is sure to give you an amazing first time experience and an even better second run with how deep these games go with how you're able to play. I'm writing this review slightly short of 200 hours and I'm yet to even start the final boss. Just when I think I've seen all the pretty vistas and have explored or picked up everything possible in one run, I stumble into something else that just makes me go "Holy S*** What else am I going to keep stumbling into?!" I plan to go do something and I end up getting sidetracked for 2 hours exploring other stuff and grabbing tons of unique and useful stuff that I may consider trying on a second fresh run or even respecing to. (which isn't limited this time around like souls 3) PvP is a little spotty like it usually is but Invasions are in a bad place personally with how it's designed for invaders to more likely invade gank squads, but I think it does make for more fun chaotic situations (Rejection and Golden Wrath are extremely fun) I only hope they buff ultchad greatswords a little bit maybe speed up the swing or the time when you're able to roll after swinging a tad especially with how crazy blood katanas and a few of the other dex weapons are, but this is just my preference. There are some reused bosses, enemies, and even bosses who become enemies much like souls 2 in some areas but it's understandable when you're making a giant hand crafted world and experience that Elden ring is, and they dont short you on entirely unique items and gear that can be had from most of the reused bosses/enemies. This game truly is a Gem and I can not wait to see what Fromsoft and Miyazaki are planning next in the future of either this game or the next ip! 10/10 \[T]/
Posted March 21, 2022.
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