8 people found this review helpful
Not Recommended
0.0 hrs last two weeks / 15.7 hrs on record
Posted: Jun 8, 2016 @ 11:26am

I want to rate this game well I really do but I simply can't at the moment
I have had it before where I have made a great base and all has ended well and that feels great but its getting to that point that makes me want to scream in frustration. The AI in this game to put it simply is suicidal. In my latest playthrough a raider has calmly floated outside my base and shot my miners. I think wait I put a beacon on him why did my security force do nothing? They got stuck in the airlock. They were in there so long I had to build a second airlock in order to save a small building team I had working outside. On numerous occasions I have had builders who were working on unfinished rooms in space simply take off their space suit and die from a lack of oxygen. Normally in a game like this I think well its an early access game give it the benefit of the doubt it will be fixed it may even turn out to be as good a prison architect 'Double Fine Productions is releasing a final version of Spacebase DF-9 next month, the studio announced last week. The decision brings an end to the studio's plan to continuously expand the game over a few years' Yep the devs at Double Fine abandoned it. The concept seems really cool to me its just so frustrating I can't recommend it
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