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Disco Pickle 27 jul, 2021 @ 13:12 
pls accept my friend request I'm very lonely haha. well I'm not thaaaaat lonely, I just saw you playing cs and I thought 'woah they look really cool' haha. no i didn't add you bcuz you're a girl i just really like how you play and your personality! haha but we should totally play games together. like there's this really scary game called l4d2 with zombies and stuff. don't worry tho bcuz i will protect you from the zombies haha. yeah anyways it's ok because i am that really chill guy that doesn't mind making a sandwich for the girl hahaha. yeah yeah ok anyways please accept my invite and have a good day (please accept hahahah).
Disco Pickle 27 jul, 2021 @ 13:11 
Ich bin mit dem **GUTE-LAUNE-EXPRESS unterwegs und mach einfach mal kurz halt bei Dir im **GÄSTEBUCH**
I¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯| |¯¯Laune -¯¯| |¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯| ___.___ |¯¯¯|___¯/_,,
I__Gute_-__ | |__________| |_ Express_ | |______||__________|
OO¯¯¯¯ OO ¯¯OO°¯¯°OO¯ OO ¯°°¬OO¯¯¯°OO°¯¯¯°OO¯¯¯OO OO OO
Gefreiter Gondolf 21 maj, 2021 @ 10:28 
+rep chill player and pretty nice in chat
Fritz 28 jul, 2020 @ 16:43 
+rep girl and gamer awooga awooga hummina hummina bazooing :missing:
ajk 26 okt, 2019 @ 0:15 
I don't even know who you are
ѕ ᴧ ᴍ ᴜ ʀ ᴧ ɪ 4 jul, 2018 @ 9:28 
+rep funny and nice player