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0.0 hrs last two weeks / 65.1 hrs on record (42.3 hrs at review time)
Posted: Oct 10, 2016 @ 1:09am

Played this game before it was on steam and really liked it, and even now I still find a lot new things about how game works, game mechanics it has a lot more than it looks at first, for example i've heard that some play only with marshals (to fight and conquer) and merchants (to get money) sure that could be some kind of a challenge, in some way, to limit with who to play but you don't fully use game resources and in some way boring, if you use spy and cleric it get's more interesting esspecially when you set a royal wedding marring out your princess to some other older king and using spy that combination can help to get rid of the king and if he doesn't have heir then you can get all the land of that nation.
It has nice music too. If you like Strategy games with building, land control, army control, economics and politics then this game might be for you!
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