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4,936.2 hrs on record (4,398.1 hrs at review time)
Reason you should read this? This is an in-depth analysis highlighting bugs that affect the gameplay so much, but can be fixed so easily.

I have to give this game a positive review for its great potential. But I need to unload a few negative issues, fixing them would make TF2 perfect. There are five paragraphs about these issues. This section is marked with * * *. Lots to cover.

* * *
1. Pay to Win system (limited F2P backpack)
I had a limited backpack for over 2 000 hours, I know what I'm talking about. They should add more inventory space to F2Ps. I don't mind the business reason for it but 50 slots is quite discriminatory. Actually, downright pay to win. And it clashes with the so called free to play system. There are more than 50 weapons and only P2Ps have access to them. More weapons = more options = advantage.

2. Lack of tutorial
Obscure default settings is one thing, but there is also no tutorial for new players. They have to go straight to a server and learn everything on their own while they are called "noobs" and being votekicked by insecure pro wannabes. Very fun and encouraging. Imagine how many possibly good people that could even support the game itself are unnecessarily forced to quit. Add an updated interactive tutorial and change default settings (FOV, auto-reload, minmodes, many more) to how every better player has them.

3. Random crits
This game is very different from what it used to be when it came out. You don't need more randomness in pubs, matches are random as it is due to unlocks and high number of players. I could actually argue pubs need to be less messy and random, maybe like highlander. But this one doesn't need any explanation - simply remove a dice-roll mechanic that punishes skill.

4. Headshots
Every one shot kill is stupid to begin with (sorry medic and spy mains) but this is a whole other level. Headshots are 150 damage in one shot at any range. Instant one shot kill on any class from across the map with little to no risk. No, it is not balanced, no matter how you try to justify it. Nerfing or removing it would make this game actually playable. A "support" class that can do the most damage and can eliminate the whole enemy team in a matter of seconds isn't support; it is an unbalanced joke of a mechanic that has no match. Futher amplified by the fact that the sniper is the only long range class. Yes, sniper mains exploit an overpowered game mechanic. If you disagree ask yourself a few questions. Should you be punished for walking in a straight line? Should you be punished for peeking a corner? Should you be punished for walking out of spawn? In a balanced game that isn't trying to be annoying you shouldn't get punished for any of these.

Here are few frequent "arguments" that people use to justify this aweful mechanic. I will refute every one of them with simple logic.

"Other games have headshots too".
We aren't talking about other games, we are talking about the balance within TF2. Just because one mechanic might be balanced in one game, it doesn't mean the same mechanic is balanced in another game, it's not a valid comparison. Surely you wouldn't like to be able to break and build blocks in TF2 just because that mechanic is in Minecraft.

"Sniper counters sniper, therefore headshots are balanced".
By that logic any overpowered weapon that Valve adds is automatically balanced because the other team can equip it too. No, that's not how balance works.

"Spy counters sniper".
Similar nonsense. And no, spy doesn't counter sniper. Any semi-experienced sniper can easily defend himself from a spy, there's many ways to do it (one of them is using this broken headshot mechanic on him). This simple "one class counters another" mindset isn't always right or doesn't always apply.

"If headshots are overpowered, then backstabs are too".
Backstabs have their own set of issues, for example ping dependancy and facestabs. But they are more balanced than headshots. Backstabs aren't long range. They are usually high risk & high reward situation. Spy has to get up close and personal to his victim and put himself at high risk. He misses or gets one stab and he's probably dead. Or he has to run away and re-infiltrate. Sniper misses and takes another shot, he headshots and takes another shot, no cooldown and little to no risk. Obviously very different.

"If headshots are overpowered, then sticky traps are too".
No, sticky traps aren't instant one shot kill the same way headshots are. Sticky traps require long setup, rigid choke point based strategy, and luck that enemy is going to walk into it. They also aren't long range, can't be spammed, and can be disrupted.

"This competitive player says headshots are fine".
Anecdotal evidence. Sniper mains can easily be intellectually dishonest. There is a difference between liking something and it being actually balanced. As an engineer main I like cooperative engineering but because I'm honest I realize that it should probably be removed. That being said, if you still believe in anecdotes you can find comp players that say headshots are overpowered.

"Valve hasn't nerfed headshots so it must mean they are balanced".
So I guess pyro's broken ping dependant pre-jungle inferno flames that had been part of the game for like a decade were balanced too? What about mini-sentries having infinite health when building? Are random crits that have always been part of the game fair and balanced too? No, Valve doesn't know everything. Not to mention someone from Valve's TF2 team already acknowledged headshots are overpowered. Not like it matters but there you have it - official.

"Headshots aren't overpowered, you're just bad".
I shouldn't even bother with this one. Anyone with at least some cognitive capability can see how flawed it is. By that logic any unbalanced aspect of the game wouldn't matter. It is an ad-hoc, not an actual argument. Not to mention it isn't true - I have over 4k hours in the game and I'm probably better than anyone saying this. lol

If you have anything else, leave it in the comments and I will gladly refute it. Facts and logic destroy salty sniper mains every time. If you want more watch this: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5BQzw2YdRpg and see what Uncle Dane said in the comments as well.

5. Bad community?
I don't want to be called "bad" for dominating someone or "mad" for banning a hacker. That is if I'm lucky and they don't go for insults right of the bat. The tricky part is that this can't really be cured by updates. It's a responsibility of every individual. So this is an open appeal to everyone reading this. Take it easy. It's better to say nothing than to be intentionally salty. It will backfire and you participate in a community that hurts the game.
* * *

About the new casual matchmaking, I don't really understand a system in which the more points you get in one match the less XP you get for each point. In other words, 20 separate games where you score 1 point in each give you more XP than playing 1 match in which you score 20 points. Also, this casual 'match'making doesn't match you with people with similar rank. So what does "matchmaking" actually mean? Because adjective "casual" is not a good excuse for having virtually the same old quickplay.

My review is based on facts and if you don't like it go look at my hours in the game. I know more about the game than a lot of people and if you have a 100, or even a 1000 hours more, then good for you, but let's face it - it doesn't really make a difference at that point. So don't trash talk and peace out.
Posted June 22, 2013. Last edited May 2, 2023.
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