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8.1 hrs on record (2.4 hrs at review time)
First hour:
- 2 crashes
- 2 "disconnects from steam"

Second hour:
- Spawn, take a step, die, repeat
- Seemingly always killed by people on controller who are max level with a golden gun that kills me in 0.1 seconds
- Can't react fast enough for above reason

I would not recommend. The TTK is way too short. The menu UI is confusing. You are punished for moving faster than crawling by being heard by all enemies in a kilometre radius. UAVs are up constantly and CUAVs are almost useless because they are easy to be shot down. Because of this, most people tend to just stay in one place and hold a corner or a sight line.

This game was made for "sentinels" and masochists.
Posted November 9, 2022.
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168.2 hrs on record (127.1 hrs at review time)
A game that keeps on giving. It's atmosphere and story reminds me a lot of the Witcher 3.
Posted June 29, 2019.
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8.4 hrs on record
I would be really enjoying and be super immersed in dishonoured 2 if it was playable. At least 30 minutes of my play time has been spent telling the game that, no I don't want to have the game play on my second monitor or have it run in 4K on my main 1080p monitor after switching it to my main monitor. The game looks blurry on all graphics settings and the frame rate never goes above 45 on any graphic settings. Once these problems are fixed I see myself having a lot of fun with the game. But as it is now it is just another game to add to the list of recent games that were terribly optimised on release.

After having changed some settings in the Nvidia Control Panel, changing some of the Antialiasing options the game runs fine now and has no blur. I would have over 200 frames on high graphics though once they patch the game.
Posted November 10, 2016. Last edited November 13, 2016.
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