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嘿,The Big Mans 回来 www thekidfrombrooklyn com。几年前,您曾在高速公路广告牌上看到过这样的标语,“我愿意为骆驼走一英里”,或者他们曾经有过香烟广告,曾经说过“我愿意为骆驼走一英里”。好吧,让我告诉你们所有的年轻人,大个子愿意走二十英里去吃安眠药。我告诉你,那是七八十年代后期的药。 Quaaludes,七点十四的老药,他们把它改成了柠檬。我会告诉你,我希望我现在有几个他妈的柠檬。那是他妈的有史以来最好的药物,太他妈的好了,政府把他们从他妈的市场上取下来了,因为他们让那些他妈的毒贩歇业了。非麻醉剂,非成瘾性,带回他妈的安眠药。你可以吞下所有的可卡因、大麻,以及他们今天生产的所有特制毒品,然后把它们塞进你他妈的屁股里。没有什么比他妈的安眠药更好的了,我会告诉你他们他妈的是最好的,吃安眠药做爱你以为你已经死了,去了天堂,当你达到性高潮时,你以为你在他妈的月亮上。把他妈的安眠药带回来。反正想想,这就是大人物,声音,人民的声音。七点十四分。大个子一如既往,总是很高兴见到你。

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OG Olgierd Apr 10 @ 12:49pm 
+rep very nice and funny guy :mkbear:
Ней Бегров Feb 22 @ 7:32am 
Stupid useless monkey
Julix (^_^) Nov 30, 2023 @ 12:58pm 
Good teammate +rep
♡𝓹𝓸𝓴𝓲​♡⁧skqa Aug 7, 2023 @ 12:40pm 
merchant Apr 5, 2023 @ 2:39pm 
actually sane danish
rissk0v Mar 28, 2022 @ 9:22am 
Hey this is Phil from the Small Wenier Club, sorry to get back to you so late, I just finished reviewing your application and information you sent in. But I am sorry to say that I don't think I can allow you to join our group. From what I'm looking at, your weiner is massive. I mean the sheer girth and juciness alone is ridiculous. It looks as if somebody glued a forearm to the bottom of your torso. You could probably stand on it like a tripod, and thats not even mentioning how fat your nuts are. But it does appear that you are going to have to take that ginormous schmeat somewhere else. But thank you for trying, and best of luck to you.