Matt   Federated State Of Micronesia, United States
Unspoken Bond

For three years, she was your constant, her presence so integral that every waking hour was spent in your arms or by your side. You knew her intimately, every inch, and every scar. Marks of a past filled with turmoil, yet to you, these were not flaws but simply elements of her perfection. Her quirks, her nuances, they were the chapters of a story you read again and again, finding solace in the familiarity.

Together, you marched into the unknown, a pair bound by trust and necessity. Innumerable as the stars in the night sky, this ritual you performed. So deeply etched in your being, it flowed as effortlessly as the rhythmic beating of your heart. You found comfort in the weight of her presence, a reminder of an unspoken pact. In the stillness of a remote town, as day bled into night, you pondered the journey you shared. The raw brutality of war contrasted by the serene beauty of nature. Moments surrounded by chaos and terror, where a scarlet-drenched expanse echoes the anguished screams of friend and foe as they melded in one indistinguishable symphony of despair. Moments of peace and tranquility as the mountain breeze whispered secrets and the poppy flowers danced, gliding like a serene river through the embrace of the valley.

That night, you tenderly cared for her, each part cleaned and oiled with a devotion that transcended mere duty. You drifted to sleep, blissfully unaware of the tempest that was about to unfurl. Suddenly, in the night’s darkest hour, a cataclysmic roar shattered the silence. An explosive fury jolted the earth itself. Smoke, thick and suffocating, invaded the air, a noxious veil that blinded and choked. Flames, voracious and unrelenting, devoured all in their path, the insidious heat boiled against your skin.

In this hell, panic seized you. Frantic, you grasped blindly in the all-consuming darkness, your numb fingers scratched desperately for her familiar form. The world around you a vortex of noise and pain, each second an eternity of hysteria. Your breath came in ragged gasps, each inhale a losing battle against the suffocating smoke. Desperation drove your frenzied search.

Then, amidst the destruction, your hands finally found her. Relief, raw and overwhelming, surged through you, an anchor in the disorder. Clutching her to your chest, you began to crawl, elbows like the oars of a canoe fighting upstream. Digging deep into the soil you heaved your body forward, each movement a defiance against nature. You dragged yourself towards what you hoped for was salvation. Every inch forward was a triumph of will, a testament to the unbreakable bond you shared with her, your steadfast companion in a night attempting to swallow you both whole.

As dawn broke, the smoke lifted, revealing your cruel fate. A drone strike. They found you, your body unrecognizable, but she was still beneath you, shielded against your chest. In those final moments, as you clung to her, perhaps it was for life, for protection, or simply for the comfort of something familiar in a world you no longer understood. It was her presence that led to your identification. Your constant companion now served as a reminder of your sacrifice. Sent to your family, she became a symbol of your bravery, a tangible memory.

In life, she was your guardian, in death, she provided closure for those you left behind. That night, you did right by her, and in those last searing moments, she did right by you, remaining your unwavering partner to the very end.
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