begged to be pegged Nov 12, 2023 @ 8:00am 
In my restless dreams Nov 7, 2023 @ 8:29am 
vroxee Oct 24, 2023 @ 10:10am 
etf2l - official
Pyrdelliini Sep 7, 2022 @ 8:45am 

<,︻╦╤─ ҉ -- - - -- - -- Allahu Akbar الله اكبر

Zabbie Jul 13, 2020 @ 3:05pm 
7/3 guy, would fall asleep next to musicbox again after a long night of Hakkuh with the Dutchbags
Dashij! Sep 27, 2019 @ 2:27pm 
-Rep After a good game in csgo, i added him because he seemed like a cool guy. We got chatting, over the next couple of months we became good friends. Lots of banter, lots of great CS and most importantly true friendship. I invited him to my house for a csgo lan party. He said he was coming so i was looking forward to meeting him in real life. When he arrived at my house, he pushed me against the wall and started nibbling my ear, i felt his hard ♥♥♥♥ push against my leg. I punched him and then 1 tapped him. Turns out he was gay. Don't trust this guy.
meowmeowmeowmeowmeowmeowmeowmeow May 20, 2019 @ 1:33pm 
=:7)~~ Rat/Mouse (the 7 is its nose :)


=;7)~~ Winky rat, sarcastic as ever
=:7(~~ Sad rat

=:7>~~ Sarcastic Rat (the default)
>;7)~~ Winky and devil combined

~(*:= Left handed mouse

=%7)~~ Rat has been staring at a green screen for 15 hours
straight (very often the case)
=87)~~ Rat with eyeglasses

0 =:--~~ "heilige ratte mit punkerfrisur" (von Roman Karawatzki)
wholy punk rat
Dashij! Apr 21, 2019 @ 4:42am 
yikey wikey cringy wingy
Spaceman Atlas Dec 12, 2018 @ 11:04am 
i am a heron. i haev a long neck and i pick fish out of the water w/ my beak. if you dont repost this comment on 10 other pages i will fly into your kitchen tonight and make a mess of your pots and pans
Dr. Grijpgraag Sep 19, 2018 @ 12:27pm 
ɴᴏᴡ ᴘʟᴀʏɪɴɢ: Despacito 2 ───────────────⚪───────────────────
◄◄⠀▐▐ ⠀►►⠀⠀ ⠀ 1:17 / 3:48 ⠀ ───○ 🔊⠀ ᴴᴰ ⚙ ❐ ⊏⊐
Dr. Grijpgraag Jul 21, 2018 @ 10:11am 
Anime is a concentration camp for the soul.
Schmetterling Jul 6, 2018 @ 6:48am 
Added regrding EU Teacher Application
Dashij! Apr 18, 2018 @ 6:20am 
Dear heavenly blessed beauty, I have been staring at your profile picture speechless and in awe for the past hour or so. That deep gaze in your eyes, your perfect smile, all of your features just seem to all come together so well, almost angelical in a sense I suppose. The reason I am writing this is to let you know that I think I have found the most beautiful woman to grace us with her presence on our planet, and I am of course talking about you...!
Dashij! Mar 17, 2018 @ 5:31am 
       •● P R O U D - T O - B E - A - F U R R Y ●•
Dashij! Mar 13, 2018 @ 8:25pm 
big ole doinks
nyan-beanary catgirl :3 Mar 10, 2018 @ 4:11am 
Today in school we had a substitude teacher in one of my classes and I pulled an epic prank on the whole class. When he had to leave the classroom for a few minutes, I went up the whiteboard and wrote TROLOLOLOL in all caps (for those of you who don’t know, this is the catchphrase of the Troll Face from Rage Comics). It took up like half of the white board xD By the time he got back, I was sitting at my desk pretending that nothing happened, but all my stupid classmates were staring at me (they didn’t get the reference). When the sub asked “who wrote this?” I was trying really hard not to laugh and I stood up while making the same facial expression as the Troll Face meme and I asked “problem?” I was expecting AT LEAST one of my classmates to laugh, but nobody did (like I said earlier, they didn’t get the reference).
fire Mar 8, 2018 @ 11:04pm 
░░░░░░▐▌▀▄▀▄▀▐▄SPOOKY SKELINGTON
Dashij! Jan 31, 2018 @ 4:20am 
Slavery is over, and you have no ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ right to be angry. It just makes you and your movement look hateful and violent. Affirmative action is on your side anyway- you get special use of words, not to mention an entire month dedicated to celebrating your skin tone. When you're NOT allowed to have a special, unique privilege (like dreadlocks, which, by the way, were worn by Slavs far before they were worn by your ghetto ass), you throw a tantrum. Funny, I don't think I see as many white people going around rioting and assaulting cops in their own neighborhoods.
nyan-beanary catgirl :3 Jan 22, 2018 @ 7:30am 
*SPEC* Anathon : my boy sam is ♥♥♥♥♥♥ BUILT tho
Dashij! Jan 15, 2018 @ 10:37am 
For the record, I'm not a homophobe. I don't have any problem with a person's sexual preferences and my ♥♥♥♥ is just fine. It gets me off every single time (I actually have a very satisfying monogamous sex life with a beautiful woman who also has no problem getting off, but just to make sure I am satisfying her I don't let myself come until she has several times). Truth be told if I had the option I may add a little girth to it if I could but I don't think it's necessary and I certainly don't lose sleep over it.
Dashij! Jan 14, 2018 @ 9:30am 
hey cutie! just saw ur profile pic, think ur realy hot its not evryday u see a cuti grill playing vidya games!!!! omg ur so thicc... wanna succ me off?

Unless you're a ginger. Thats where I draw the line....
lazy Nov 15, 2017 @ 8:03am 
OK I ADMIT IT I LOVE YOU OK i ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ love you and it breaks my heart when i see you play with someone else or anyone commenting in your profile i just want to be your boyfriend and put a heart in my profile linking to your profile and have a walltext of you commenting cute things i want to play video games talk in discord all night and watch a movie together but you just seem so uninterested in me it ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ kills me and i cant take it anymore i want to remove you but i care too much about you so please i'm begging you to either love me back or remove me and NEVER contact me again it hurts so much to say this because i need you by my side but if you don't love me then i want you to leave because seeing your icon in my friendlist would kill me everyday of my pathetic life
Dashij! Nov 1, 2017 @ 6:31pm 
Dashij! Oct 29, 2017 @ 2:38pm 
BOO!! Sorry did I scare you?? it's Cocktober 😈🌚 u kno what that means SLUT-O-WEEN send this to 7 of ur sluttiest ghost ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ if u get 7 back ur a slutty witch ♥♥♥♥♥ but if u get 10 back ur the spookiest slut on the block 🌚😈🔮💯 you've been visited by the thottie ghost‼‼ if u don't send this to 🔟 other thots💁🏽😩💋 you will get NO ♥♥♥♥ 🙅🏽✋🏽👋🏽 this Halloween 🎃😜😉
lazy Oct 29, 2017 @ 1:51pm 
Spaceman Atlas Oct 23, 2017 @ 1:44pm 
To be fair you have to have a high IQ to be completely neutral towards Rock And Morty. The fact that you aren’t autistic enough to be enslaved to the show’s pickle cult, while also not not being a sheep and hating on the show because everyone else is ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ is enough alone to prove your superiority. My coworkers were having an argument on the series, and they asked for my opinion. When I told them I liked the show, but wasn’t willing to slit my wrist for McNugget sauce, all of their minds were shattered. How could someone not be tilted in a opinion to the point you’ll be sweating in the comment section? And as they started spazzing on the ground about my decision, I look over, and see Jesus Christmas himself give me a big ol’ thumbs up.
Dashij! Oct 6, 2017 @ 11:53am 
I ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ remember you, You were that guy that pushed me on the McDonald's parking lot floor and violently shoved a ♥♥♥♥ in my mouth and told me, "You have to drink it all~" and slapped me in the face with it for 3 minutes while repeating the same ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ phrase over and over again, "You like this, don't you? Dirty ♥♥♥♥♥~". Then when you were about to squirt you shoved in in my mouth and you forced me to gag and swallow it. You then said, "Choke on it you slut!" and left me to rot in the corner. Not only that, but you damaged my throat so badly, everytime I eat or drink anything I can still taste your salty, thick ♥♥♥ in my throat. Now, everytime I'm having a good time eating my favorite foods, I always remember you licking your lips and moaning
Dashij! Sep 30, 2017 @ 4:23am 
Here is the problem with you idiot leftists- you don't know me at all. You don't know what I do, what I've done, or who I've helped or hurt. You don't know anything about me at all, but through your ignorant hate mongering, you blindly assume and create a villain.
And again- my question wasn't answered- what exactly has he done that has deserved a thanks? Or are you just supporting the cult of personality without actually knowing anything he did in office? Enlighten me, please.
Dashij! Sep 28, 2017 @ 3:45pm 
Dashij! (Score:20) defeats Anathon (Score:17) in duel to 20 on Blands Mid
Dashij! Sep 27, 2017 @ 2:06pm 
░░░░░░░░░░░░▐▓▓▓▓▌ POOT POOT :D
Dashij! Sep 26, 2017 @ 4:25pm 
we were having sex (Second Life) online and flirt for many hours,,time pass and we get taken down ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ and i pulle out my penis (5.5 inche) but then this girl (???) also take out ♥♥♥♥

GIRLS DO NOT ♥♥♥♥, this guy CHEAT and TRICK ERP (stupid futa fetish)
Dashij! Sep 26, 2017 @ 9:38am 

Dashij! Sep 18, 2017 @ 10:52am 
amazing roleplayer
see you next weekend o.~
Tea Sep 17, 2017 @ 2:45pm 
added for ugc offi
Dashij! Sep 2, 2017 @ 1:47pm 
Hey, added you to talk about HL Iron scrims
Dashij! Aug 28, 2017 @ 1:25pm 
hey, sorry I saw your profile and I just thought you looked cute in your picture, I really wanted to tell you that)) It's really rare to see girls playing video games haha! I don't know why its a guy thing honestly im like really against misogyny and like ill be the one in the kitchen making sandwiches. We should really play MGE sometime its a really cool masochistic game with a lot of airshots, but don't worry ill be there to lap up your tears and hug you ;) sorry that wasnt flirting I swear Im just trying to be friendly I really like your profile picture sorry was that too far? Really sorry i'm really shy I don't go out much haha add me on discord we should talk more you look really nice and fun xxx
nyan-beanary catgirl :3 Aug 27, 2017 @ 3:22am 
Another great video. As an intellectual, I am ousted by my peers at school. All they want to do is party and have pre-martial sex. I have no interest in either, instead I like to ponder about the effects of glucose on Topoisomerase IV and read the teachings of Jacques Derrida and Rene Descartes. My free time is also devoted watching your videos, espeically the ones that criticize our neanderthal-like culture. (Oh, and yes I've never had a girlfriend. They cannot comprehend my intelligence)
Dashij! Aug 22, 2017 @ 10:03am 
く__,.ヘヽ.    / ,ー、 〉
     \ ', !-─‐-i / /´
      /`ー'    L//`ヽ、
     /  /,  /|  ,  ,    ',
   イ  / /-‐/ i L_ ハ ヽ!  i Post this hot anime babe on ♥♥♥ weeb profiles in the next
    レ ヘ 7イ`ト  レ'ァ-ト、!ハ|  | 30 seconds
     !,/7 'ゞ'   ´i__rハiソ|   |   
     |.从"  _   ,,,, / |./   |
     レ'| i>.、,,__ _,.イ /  .i  |
      レ'| | / k_7_/レ'ヽ, ハ. |
       | |/i 〈|/  i ,.ヘ | i |
      .|/ / i:   ヘ!  \ |
        kヽ>、ハ   _,.ヘ、   /、!
       !'〈//`T´', \ `'7'ーr'
         ト-,/ |___./ Or u will be haunted by anime for the rest of ur life ~ ~ ~ ~
Dashij! Aug 18, 2017 @ 6:42am 
Yes, this is the original and should be the only definition of meme. There are too many people on the internet, especially on reddit whom refer a meme as the incorrect yet widely accepted definition. It feels wrong for me to misuse such an intelligent, mentally describing words for something as worthless as an "internet meme". Teenagers don't have the wisdom to appreciate the beauty of words yet so I quite understand why it's happening.
Dashij! Aug 10, 2017 @ 10:36am 
A face shown with a single finger and thumb resting on the chin, glancing upward. Used to indicate thinking, or deep thought.
Zabbie Aug 6, 2017 @ 12:43pm 
You are good friend, very loyal, never change
Dashij! Aug 2, 2017 @ 10:08am 
im with her
Dashij! Jul 13, 2017 @ 11:05am 
hello im anathon and I beat my MEAT
Dr. Grijpgraag Jun 14, 2017 @ 2:33pm 
╔═════════════════ϟ SCHUTZSTAFEL ϟ ════════════════╗
If you are a beautiful strong Aryan warrior, someone will put this in your comments.
╚═════════════════ϟ SCHUTZSTAFFEL ϟ ═══════════════╝"
Dashij! May 26, 2017 @ 1:59pm 
║\ ║\
║▒\ ║▒\
║▒▒\ ║▒▒\
║░▒║ ║░▒║ i got
║░▒║ ║░▒║
║░▒║ ║░▒║
║░▒║ ║░▒║
║░▒║ ║░▒║
║░▒║ ║░▒║ two swords
║░▒║ ║░▒║
║░▒║ ║░▒║
║░▒║ ║░▒║
║░▒║ ║░▒║
║░▒║ ║░▒║
▓▓▓▓▓ ▓▓▓▓▓
[█▓] [█▓] dude
[█▓] [█▓]
[█▓] [█▓]
Kronk The Gluemuncher May 11, 2017 @ 11:38am 
Dashij! Apr 30, 2017 @ 5:41am 
top 5 reasons i hate the opposite gender (((aka [>"women"])))
1. clitoris(that thing is LICHERALLY a miniature penis ew!!!!)
2. periods- i can handle nosebleeds but a bleeding vag? NO thxx!!!
3. breast cancer- lumps are nasty
4. sometimes they have ♥♥♥♥♥?????
5. not anime women: srry ladies but my waifu is way more pure than your fleshy bodies!
fire Apr 6, 2017 @ 1:04pm 
thank anathon
lazy Apr 5, 2017 @ 3:43pm 
OK I ADMIT IT I LOVE YOU OK i ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ love you and it breaks my heart when i see you play with someone else or anyone commenting in your profile i just want to be your boyfriend and put a heart in my profile linking to your profile and have a walltext of you commenting cute things i want to play video games talk in discord all night andw atch a movie together but you just seem so uninsterested in me it ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ kills me and i cant take it anymore i want to remove you but i care too much about you so please i'm begging you to eaither love me back or remove me and never contact me again it hurts so much to say this because i need you by my side but if you dont love me then i want you to leave because seeing your icon in my friendlist would kill me everyday of my pathetic life.
Glyra Mar 17, 2017 @ 2:33am 
