Doom Guy
  Maryland, United States
pronoun(s) = Him
Knock Knock
Whose there?
Your friend
But i dont have any friends

Thats a comedy joke by
Dringus and Drungle comedy team

Moon man 1 Moon man 1
This is red head quarters
Are you ready to go?
yes im ready to go
"one small mankind
im gonna leap the heck out of this moon rocket"

-Neil Armstrang


God has cursed me with existence, and I am now going to make it everyone else's problem

Most of what I do is for a laugh, I want to make people laugh and cry. Like sweet and sour sauce but with your emotions

Jelenleg offline
:steamsalty: Henlo it is i a reaper main who plays lucario mostly, but my friend says i am a good at gengal. my favorite game has to be the one with the team of fortress and two. i played game in my free time and now i want a sandwich. now if you'll have to excuse me because i am very tire so i need to go to asleep. thank you and have a night. good


one time i was ask-ed what my favourite game was and i told them that it was a game with men who shoot at each other with guns and he said good.


two year ago i asked one of my techer what it ment to be happ. he turn around and told me that if u are happy then you know you are happy. that stuck with me like hair on soap. i now know that to be happy you must be happy if youre not happy youre not happy. i know what im talking about just askl me.

Kedvenc csoport
Heavy Main máj. 20., 16:39 
this guy tried to sell me beef
riceball629 máj. 5., 10:03 
you smell lik beef
Fresh Kat 2023. dec. 25., 7:32 
(  ̳• · • ̳)
/    づ♡ Merry Christmas♡
Doom Guy 2023. szept. 18., 19:22 
zefir 2023. szept. 18., 19:21 
zefir 2023. szept. 18., 18:44 