Commander Kami
My frames drop faster than my pants. :mgshock:

-Memento Mori
Currently Offline
PVE Reddit Whiner May 19 @ 11:31am 
GG and thank you. Since I only wield Katanas (Cause I speak samurai) I find my new profile very fitting.
Did you know Katana means: Japanese sword?
Also, Toyota means: Japanese car.

The more you know :steamthumbsup:
Commander Kami May 18 @ 6:04pm 
@Reddit Whiner
I know the etiquette! Do not accuse me of such things. First of all, I don't engage unless the host does first. I make sure I don't run to PvE and make hosts play the level. And I make sure to walk into 3v1 blenders in order to receive my daily dose of point downs as well. Such is the invaders life.

I'm glad you liked my trash build though.
PVE Reddit Whiner May 18 @ 8:37am 
REASON: You did not bow and you used exploits such as roll catching and PARRY baiting to defeat ME?! Ridiculous, I also had you and you took all my health in one parry.
I'll be on Official ER Forums having a lengthy discussion on this degenerate PVP-Etiquette.
I'm going to get a lot of Reddit likes for this one.

I hope you feel very sorry now. Stop playing video games and go read a book! I suggest Mr. Manners: Proper Etiquette for the Modern Degenerate.

PS: Your Build is garbage!
FOES May 11 @ 2:01pm 
Ur an awesome player :er_heart:
KiQ May 10 @ 11:22am 
Awesome backstab!!! GG
SifuSam May 9 @ 11:32am 