The truth is...

I never asked for this.
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Sidewinder 27. zář. 2014 v 8.16 
Scouse Meeeeeeems
Revy 17. led. 2014 v 12.47 
Also I still need to see the new "Arise".
Revy 17. led. 2014 v 12.45 
Sad to say I didn't play it. By the time it came out not only was I so far past the point of playing console games that I had a hard time trying to remember the last console game I had played. Also my local games shop didn't support the PSP beyond second hand sales. But I will have to put it on my list. With all the other games I still need to play.
Sidewinder 13. říj. 2013 v 14.54 
Baki the Grappler fanboy.
Sidewinder 25. zář. 2013 v 13.44 
"Kept you waiting, huh?" - JC Denton.

lmfao xD
Sidewinder 23. zář. 2013 v 8.02 
"♥♥♥♥♥♥! ♥♥♥♥♥!!!"