Bryce Little   Bakersfield, California, United States
I'm the kinda guy who'll give things a shot (when I get around to it) and enjoy things that are worth enjoying. I've been a TF2 addict for quite some time because I haven't been able to buy any new multiplayer games, and most new ones I buy aren't as long lasting. I'm understandable and can learn to understand whomever wishes to be understood. Don't be surprised if I get too jokey, I like making a good impression.

Drama kilz U
Currently Offline
DramakilzU May 21, 2013 @ 9:10pm 
Yes...it has been a long time. And so that's why I got both of you a cupcake. I've been saving each of them ever since you posted a message on my profile. Don't worry, it's not like their super stale or anything. I've had them under 0.2K temperatures this whole time! Just be careful because they may be packed with radiation for being in space too long.
yousodumb24 Feb 12, 2013 @ 11:59pm 
Having a super fun time, brony freak?
marinewinner Jan 11, 2012 @ 1:04pm 
hey its me remeber