GCI ouppy 14 ABR 2023 a las 14:10 
Nekopara is still good
GCI HANNAH 31 ENE 2023 a las 21:24 
GCI ouppy 31 ENE 2023 a las 20:52 
the pro
botched lobotomy 15 ENE 2023 a las 16:57 
super skill player
Gucci Jesus 15 FEB 2022 a las 10:47 
I ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ love you and it breaks my heart when I see you play with someone else or anyone commenting in your profile I just want to be your boyfriend and put a heart in my profile linking to your profile and have a walltext of you commenting cute things I want to play video games talk in discord all night and watch a movie together but you seem so uninterested in me and I can't take it anymore I want to remove you but I care too much about you.
GCI HANNAH 30 DIC 2021 a las 21:37 
hope u have a very anime new year
dave2 9 FEB 2021 a las 23:58 
added for erp
JEJ 27 NOV 2020 a las 21:07 
It should be forbidden to kill anime girls ;_;
dave2 12 JUN 2020 a las 0:33 
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GCI ouppy 22 MAY 2020 a las 12:09 
can i join
JEJ 17 MAR 2018 a las 16:58 
Looks like she has to please old men for again for jobs
JEJ 28 ENE 2018 a las 9:22 
Tfw no medieval peasant gf to cook me fine pottage (cabbage and whatever else that will grow in human ♥♥♥♥, boiled), be covered in lice and bedbugs, bathe once every few months but still want me to eat her hairy unwashed ♥♥♥♥♥ and die giving birth to a kid who dies a week later
Fruitpunch 6 NOV 2017 a las 13:59 
Rowpieces 8 AGO 2017 a las 17:58 
_Post this on the_____________#0#0##_________
_Profile of people____________#‪#‎O‬###_________
_You have had _______________####__________
_Anal sex with_________________##___________
Gucci Jesus 12 JUN 2017 a las 13:04 
GCI ouppy 29 ABR 2017 a las 21:20 
fish100 13 ABR 2017 a las 6:18 
catface 22 MAR 2017 a las 12:41 
Hi, I am an Albanian virus but because of poor technology in my country unfortunately I am not able to harm your computer. Please be so kind to delete one of your important files yourself and then forward me other users. Many thanks for your cooperation! Best regards, Albanian virus
catface 14 MAR 2017 a las 2:36 
we were having sex (Club Penguin) online and flirt for many hours,,time pass and we get taken down ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ and i pulle out my penis (3.5 inche) but then this girl (???) also take out ♥♥♥♥

GIRLS DO NOT ♥♥♥♥, this guy CHEAT and TRICK ERP
JEJ 9 MAR 2017 a las 17:24 
There are at least 14 cases of Precure rape reported each year in Japan, these usually occur near the town limits where victims are able to escape before they can be dragged into a Precure rape cave. There is no real estimate of how many deaths are the result of Precure rape each year as many of these occur in abandoned towns where there are few eyewitnesses if any.
JEJ 9 MAR 2017 a las 17:23 
Researchers studying Precure behavior have discovered rogue packs of teen female Precures gang raping civilians in towns. Human decoys fitted with tracking devices have been dumped in abandoned towns and observed from helicopter.

Nanashi of the Precure Research Institute of Tokyo said "In every case the decoy was set upon in a short time by groups of Precures ranging from 2 to 6 young females. It seems there are gangs of Precure predators roaming the towns looking for humans to assault. The Precures in each case were observed circling the civilian as one of the group grabbed them with their hand and dragged them underground, then the others followed. Precures have prehensile hands, they are full of powerful muscles and they can wrap them around objects, such as a human limb. The decoys never reappeared in any of the studies.... We tracked one of the decoys to an underground cave where it had been repeatedly raped and torn apart by the Precures."
Gucci Jesus 19 ENE 2017 a las 11:59 
Gucci Jesus 19 ENE 2017 a las 11:59 
catface 16 ENE 2017 a las 10:23 
hey u got any backwoods
JEJ 18 NOV 2016 a las 8:09 
Billdozer is superior brand to CLMP

Gucci Jesus 14 NOV 2016 a las 20:52 
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Gucci Jesus 29 OCT 2016 a las 4:15 
Gucci Jesus 4 AGO 2016 a las 11:26 
gloopie bungus 10 JUL 2016 a las 21:36 
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gloopie bungus 6 JUL 2016 a las 13:03 
╔══╗ Put this on your wall
║╔╗║ if you love anime!
Gucci Jesus 14 JUN 2016 a las 13:45 
I miss the new billy
Gucci Jesus 28 MAY 2016 a las 20:50 
i miss the old billy
sky 27 MAY 2016 a las 14:04 
gloopie bungus 25 MAY 2016 a las 10:17 
╔══╗ Put this on your wall
║╔╗║ if you love anime!
Zamboni 19 MAY 2016 a las 11:13 
gloopie bungus 7 MAY 2016 a las 23:14 








gloopie bungus 2 MAY 2016 a las 22:59 
My beautiful clmp turns to me in bed and kisses me. Her cute smile fills me with happiness. clmp holds me close as she whispers in my ear: "You know this isn't real. You're just typing on a steam profile. You're alone." "10/10 body." I keep mumbling.
sky 5 ABR 2016 a las 15:31 
gloopie bungus 3 ABR 2016 a las 17:06 
It's COOL to be gay!
Post this on the wall of a homosexual friend and tell them how COOL they are
gloopie bungus 31 MAR 2016 a las 19:02 
jk bill i love u <3 :TheD::A::TheD: <3
gloopie bungus 31 MAR 2016 a las 19:02 
you are honestly the ugliest ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ incestrous looking ♥♥♥♥ ive ever seen in my time on the internet, your face looks like my cousins friends disabled grandads gurned jaw. your face looks like a prehistoric cavewomans botched operation.. I don't know why your parents conceived you, they are selfish tbh, why would ugly as ♥♥♥♥ parents bring a human life into the world and know that this will be on the path of failure. it's just PURE selfishness, your lips pout out like a prolapsed arsehole. you look like a cavewoman slash oompa loompa hybrid. honestly, why was you even born?
gloopie bungus 31 MAR 2016 a las 19:02 
seriously, what the ♥♥♥♥ is wrong with your face? explain to me, because i honestly dont think you are human, you are a poorly made robot, you was prob made by dell or something as an experiment and the creators gave you the ugliest features known to man.. kid. i swear i just cannot believe it, people like you should be lined up and shot on the spot so you dont pollute the gene pool, you ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ abomination kid. i wish that happen, never have kids weeaboo cavewoman because you will cause a lot of unhappiness and depression, you absolute ugly ♥♥♥♥, you disgusting ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ chernobyl creature, mutant ♥♥♥♥, you an extra in the x-men ♥♥♥♥♥?
gloopie bungus 31 MAR 2016 a las 18:59 
you are dumb as ♥♥♥♥, ugly as ♥♥♥♥ and just a boring indepth piece of ♥♥♥♥. i would love to know what kind of thoughts you think of when you're alone. probably ♥♥♥♥ like "whens my chicken nuggets done" and stupid ♥♥♥♥ like that because you are just not capable of thinking of anything more intelligent because ur brain is strained. you look like a citizen of chernobyl reactor explosion, you took the radiation up your ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ and now you look like you do. ♥♥♥♥ son, you ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ ugly as ♥♥♥♥ kid. why do you even live? --- biggest mystery known to man. you look like a ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ feral ghoul from fallout 3 everytime i see your caveman face i get a little bit scared that i will get killed by feral ghouls.
cereaI 25 MAR 2016 a las 12:16 
"You know Vicky, despite our differences I`m going to show you what a real boyfriend would do." Timmy said.

Timmy slipped down and spread Vicky`s legs, before she could react Timmy wormed his tongue into her snatch. Vicky moaned and gripped her breasts as Timmy slid her underwear down. Timmy went to town on Vicky`s fold, licking, slurping and savoring her taste. Vicky was very tight, and moaning very loudly. She pressed Timmy`s head deeper between her legs.

Timmy grabbed her hips and continued to feast on the tight and evil teen. Vicky moaned and bit her lip so hard it bled a bit. Timmy recognized from her rampant panting that she was close. Finally Vicky released herself on Timmy`s face. Timmy took his head out from Vicky`s skirt and licked his face clean.

"So, how do you feel?" Timmy asked.

Vicky`s lust and confusion turned to rage as she picked Timmy up by his throat.

"You little twerp!" Vicky roared, "Give me one good reason why I shouldn`t rip you apart!"
JEJ 17 MAR 2016 a las 13:20

Cool & Mature

Oh! oh! The super beautiful and cool and mature and mysterious looking girl, always on the roof during breaks, letting her hair blow in the wind.

You are composed and mature, and have many admirers! Many people look up to you with sparkly ones and want to be like you. You may seem all cool and relaxed, but inside, sometimes you are uncertain about many things but you hide it very well.

When you set your mind and heart on something, however, you are determined and tries your best. People may be a bit scared of you if you be blunt too quickly, but deep down, you are a gentle and caring person. Open up a bit more sometimes ^^
cereaI 22 FEB 2016 a las 14:54 
The day began as any other. Timmy was laying on his back as Wanda sucked him off. The previous night he just had sex with his evil baby-sitter, after years of being tormented, it was nice to finally ♥♥♥♥ her. Timmy stroked Wanda`s head as she bobbed on him. Finally she had enough and stopped sucking to get some air.

"Timmy, wouldn`t you rather have Vicky do this?" Wanda asked.

"Perhaps, but she's not here and I like it when you suck me off." Timmy said. "Speaking of which, get back down there I didn`t finish."

Timmy forced Wanda down again as she continued to suck him off. Timmy leaned back and chuckled as his fairy sucked on him. Finally he released, shooting his load into her mouth.

"Alright, were done here, I`ll call you if I need you." Timmy said.

"Pervert!" Wanda said, poofing into the fish-bowl.

"♥♥♥♥♥," Timmy responded.
cereaI 22 FEB 2016 a las 14:47 
Then Knuckles and Shadow had an idea. They then say in unison, "Hey! Why don't we do the NWA song, ♥♥♥♥ tha Police! YEAH!" they then gave high-fives to one another. Sonic gives it a second thought and then decided that this was what they are gonna do.
Gucci Jesus 19 FEB 2016 a las 21:51 
reheat oven to 425 degrees F (220 degrees C.)
In a saucepan, combine chicken, carrots, peas, and celery. Add water to cover and boil for 15 minutes. Remove from heat, drain and set aside.
In the saucepan over medium heat, cook onions in butter until soft and translucent. Stir in flour, salt, pepper, and celery seed. Slowly stir in chicken broth and milk. Simmer over medium-low heat until thick. Remove from heat and set aside.
Place the chicken mixture in bottom pie crust. Pour hot liquid mixture over. Cover with top crust, seal edges, and cut away excess dough. Make several small slits in the top to allow steam to escape.
Bake in the preheated oven for 30 to 35 minutes, or until pastry is golden brown and filling is bubbly. Cool for 10 minutes before serving.
pankeyman reincarnate 7 FEB 2016 a las 23:15 

send this CASTLE WALL to everyone you care about including me if you care. C how many times u get this, if you get A CASTLE WALL ur A TRUE HUSTLA