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4.2 hrs on record (1.4 hrs at review time)
[Minor spoiler for the final puzzle in the game.]

I thoroughly enjoyed my time wandering Hell in search of a demon harem.

A short puzzle game with small interludes of binary adventure game style choices that either leave you dead, or with one more member to your harem. The story doesn't take itself seriously; it really doesn't want to. The girls have personality befitting of their sin and/or title, and their designs straddle [heheh, straddle] the line between cute and hot.

As others have noted, the final stage of the game can be a bit difficult and is a game of avoidance and reaction, but for someone who's experienced in that kind of game, it shouldn't be too bad. Be warned that, unlike other stages, there is no skipping that final stage [which, props to the dev for thinking of letting players less inclined to play puzzles to skip].

I would gladly play a full fledged adventure game/RPG/match 3/puzzle/action/whatever kind of game set in this universe. There's a LOT of charm with the writing, and for a small, nearly one and a half hour romp to 100% the game [through answering every possible response], this was well worth the asking price of free.

Highly recommend paying a bit more for the DLC, even if you have it unlocked. Well deserved. [You can also just...look at the demons without playing the game that way. Bonus!]

Final verdict:

I can't not recommend it. It's free. What're you waiting for? We're all stuck inside anyway.
Posted May 13, 2020.
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17.5 hrs on record (15.8 hrs at review time)
Bleed is like a rollercoaster, for all you adrenaline junkies out there. For those that prefer something calmer, Bleed is like reading an amazing book when the sequel is just around the corner, and you had no idea it existed.

Bleed's an arcade-y action platformer that never seems to stop with the punches it pulls: it's main mechanic, being able to slow down time, does so much for the game: things that seem incredibly difficult to dodge in real time are made far easier, making Bleed something akin to almost a bullet hell (minus the tiny hitbox; but if you're hit, it's generally your fault due to some pretty lenient hitboxes). It's fast, relentless...much like you will be: fast and relentless against the heroes that dare stand in your way in your pursuit of being number one.

For only 99 cents, this game is an ABSOLUTE MUST for those into action games. Great replayability, great speedrun-ability, great game altogether. Comes highly recommended.
Posted December 22, 2015.
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1.0 hrs on record
Early Access Review
...Krautscape's trailer does the job well enough; cherry picks the best bits for others to see. I'll hand it to them; they gave the great impression of a game that promises high speed racing with the allure that, if you fly off the track, you can gracefully fly like a bird and reclaim victory from the jaws of defeat.


Lies and deciet.

Starting out the game, I headed to singleplayer; I heard multiplayer was basically non-existant, and I wanted get a grip on the controls, see how the mechanics worked.

...The controls are GARBAGE. Your car is not a car; it is a block of ice with a motor and it is HORRIBLY unbalanced in the air (one errant twitch, not going perfectly straight? Your straight rise up becomes a tumble).

The first few levels try to teach you about how the car controls; turns and junk, have you pass through checkpoints. It'd be great if the car's turning wasn't ABYSMAL. Don't even think about using the brake, either; you just try to stop on a dime, and going fast and trying to make sharp turns with a that block of ice and a brake? You spin (like a record). You spin out, skid, stop. There goes your medal. Reset level.

I had the patience to go an hour into the single player levels, and I didn't even get any flying action; it was awful turning with painfully slow acceleration (don't even get me started on boost pads coupled with tight turns; WHOOPS, THERE'S THE ENDLESS ABYSS) and a horribly slow restart back into the game.

Super Meat Kart this is not; you have to pause. Hit reset. Go back to the start of the level, wait five seconds to start again, go with your slow start...and inevitably, crash and burn, time and time again.

I was stuck on one level, a seemingly simple thing: bunch of boosts up a ramp, platform on the other side. You'd think they'd get THAT right.

...10 minutes. A sixth of my playtime. Dedicated to slowly accelerating to the boosts up, boosting up, rising...

And hitting the tiny grey support platform in front of it, falling back down into the abyss, yet again. For ten minutes.

I can finally see why people are skeptical about Early Access. You don't know what you're getting into, especially when a large percent of the reviews for this game are positive.

...I dove into the abyss, and came out a bitter, angry man.

I'll think of giving this game another shot when things aren't awful, but for now, for those reading this that're skeptical?

Buy it. See for yourself. And after you're done, give the dev a pat on the back and show him how to do things better.

Make something better than...this.
Posted September 30, 2015.
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