
Charlemagne の最近のレビュー

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31件中 31-31 を表示
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記録時間: 23.4 時間
This game is very well polished, but it just turns into a grind so quickly. It's really bad that, in the campaign, the only way to win each mission is to capture every city on the map. There's no unique or interesting win conditions, just total conquest, and about 25% of the way through the time you'll spend on each mission, you become unstoppable and just spend the rest of the time mopping up.

The combat system is superb, but it becomes grindy after the 10th overwhelming victory on your turn. You will eventually just auto-resolve every combat to save time, which takes the joy out of the best part of the game.
投稿日 2014年9月22日.
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31件中 31-31 を表示