Bird Nov 19, 2023 @ 8:19am 
Hey, can you please accept my friendship, I'm not a bot and I just wanna ask you a few things about humble bundle, I don't send links and not trying to scam, just your profile and groups seem as you have been using humble bundle for some time, so maybe you got a few extras and we might do a few trades?
SonnySynth Jan 19, 2021 @ 7:33am 
@eltyen I have not written a review for rise of man yet??!! @Damazo I have looked through my reviews and I cannot find any with "nearly 500 hours playtime", there are several I have well over that amount such as Ark & Dungeon Defenders standing out well above 500 hours. Which game are you referring to plz and I will revise my review to be more helpful. Sorry for any disappointment caused (FYI: I am not sexist, in fact am not a "<any word here>ist" in any way).
SonnySynth Jul 10, 2019 @ 7:30am 
@elty awkies :/ Far from it, impulse buy during 2017 xmas sale, the 30 mins I played was more than enough, lol

@NomadNastyyyyyyyyyyyy Which game are you referring to please? A lot of my reviews are outdated now only just noticed your comment and I fully intend to update and review more games on a better schedule.
STILLLLL Jul 10, 2019 @ 3:27am 
lol rise of man? are u sexist, pig?
damaazo Aug 7, 2018 @ 5:43pm 
Lol nearly 500 hours playtime and that's all you have to say? It's gamer's like you we rely on for deeper reviews.:cleankey: