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1 person found this review helpful
6.8 hrs on record

Worms Revolution is a great game that is sure to have friendships on edge as players battle it out with crazy weaponry such as Cluster Bombs, Moles, Super Sheep, and the infamous Holy Hand Grenade. Players can choose between single player campaign, offline skirmishes, or online games with friends so there is never a shortage of carnage.

The campaign isn't very long, with around 32 missions (not including missions added from DLC) but you'll be laughing through-out the entire length of it. The AI isn't a push over either, if you're as bad as I am at least, and will definitely have you hiding in the caves if you're not careful. The narrator of the campaign is a bit...annoying to say the least, but the voices from the worms make up for it in the end.

Worms Revolution brings a new style of gameplay into the mix by adding classes to the classic worms game. Each class has it's own benefits to offer and can be the deciding factor on a major victory....or a horrible loss. The four classes available are Scout, Heavy, Soldier, and Scientist. Some of the benefits the classes offer are increased movement speed, increase jump height/distance, team-wide health regeneration, etc.

Physics objects are also a big game changer in Worms Revolution, adding objects that are highly volatile (more so than the common oil drum), or that contain dynamic liquid that you could use to literally wash away the competition. Unfortunately it seems that some of the classic weapons have been removed from the base game but others are offered in the available DLC.

All in all the game is loads of fun and it never seems to be the same game twice. I definitely recommend this game to anything looking for some casual fun offline, or for those who wish to duke it out with their friends in an epic online war and truly test friendships.
Posted July 8, 2014.
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4 people found this review helpful
181.1 hrs on record (121.3 hrs at review time)
STORYLINE: I enjoyed the storyline to this game very much. It was a bit confusing at first trying to keep up with all the characters involved since there were so many involved. Many folks suggest the storyline is cliché and over used but I found it to be quite immersive and at times, very emotional. I will admit the story seems to be a tad bit short for my taste as completing the game seemed to happen a bit too quickly…and I’m usualy bad about dragging a games story out for a long time before losing interest and never finishing.

GAMEPLAY: Gameplay was spot on although I do wish more of the environment was able to be interacted with. The promise of dynamic movement by “jumping over fences or running through buildings” was cut short by limiting the areas in which these actions could be performed. The options that were given to the player were by all means fun and definitely provided many hours of wreaking havoc but just felt like I was being limited. Once the campaign is completed there seems to be a major lack of replay value as the only choices given to players is to either play solely online contracts or to delete their game and start a new one.

MULTIPLAYER: The transition between offline and online gameplay is near seamless which amazes me to this day. The ability to have another player join your game with NEARLY no warnings is something I’ve personally never experienced in any games I’ve ever played. I know I’m biased due to my lack of variety of games I’ve played, so take that opinion with a grain of salt. Unfortunately there are a few tell tale signs of a player entering your game and once you (or the other player if you’re joining their game) know those signs, it tends to ruin the stealth style of gameplay that was trying to be achieved. The multitude of online game modes is enjoyable but can get old rather quickly. Free Roam seems to be a clusterf*ck of killing only, with no real point other than to just kill other players with no rewards or penalties. Online Tailing, Online Hacking, and Online Decryption seem to be the most enjoyable modes but deal their own faults. The inability to hack/tail your friends in particular (even if no rewards were given due to possible exploiting) is a major disappointment. Online Racing is rather fun most of the time although laggy players will always be the bane of the game as you feel you’ve stepped into a scene from the movie, “Jumper”, watching a rivals car jump around the street and through obstacles.

GRAPHICS: I personally felt most of the games graphics were spot on with very few instances to complain about. I do encounter slight choppy framerates when in high speed escapes/chases and have crashed every so often during such situations so optimization might still be a bit of an issue. The game runs rather nicely on a mid-range PC with graphics settings near maxed out (high on most settings) excluding the common stuttering problem stated above. I cannot chock the crashing to graphics so I don’t count that against it. The game has wonderful graphics and is definitely outputting some eye candy in my opinion but there is a large following of players that are HIGHLY disappointed that the graphics do not match the quality that was shown to them in the pre-release E3 trailers.

FINAL NOTES: I loved Watch_Dogs and recommend it to friends daily for the fun gameplay and immersive storyline. If you can deal with a game that still has a few bugs to work out, and is in need of some serious DLC or additional content….you might want to give this game a try. I’d give it 3.5 out of 5 stars but only due to lack of content and slight optimization problems. Hopefully Ubi will put out some more updates with additional content to help spice up the game in the near future…..especially since they offered a “season pass” for purchase.
Posted July 8, 2014.
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