3 people found this review helpful
0.0 hrs last two weeks / 5.4 hrs on record
Posted: Oct 9, 2014 @ 5:15pm


Second Chance Heroes is an action shoot-em up game with a heavy co-op
mechanic. The game has a comic book feel, and takes a comedic look at
heroes from history. You have an availabilty to play with up to a party of
four. In single player mode, you can choose two heroes to take with you into
combat, which give you the availabilty to switch between preferences.

The level design is done quite well, providing different paths to
progress through, which encourages replayability. You battle through enemies
and have to keep an eye out for traps, and as a level it is designed very well,
and went hand in hand with the mechanics. I never had to double back over
already cleared areas, which made me feel as if my time wasn't being wasted.

The creatures in the game are done well, and feel balanced, but there
is a certain amount of repeptition with the mini-bosses; they reappear after
you have already defeated them, which takes away from a sense of progression.
One nice thing is that the character has power ups and upgrades that are
available throughout the game. They are very well done, and are entertaining
to use. The combat is solid, but can get repetitive and not too original.

If you are interested in playing this game as a single player, I would
recommend that you get it when it goes on sale. The game performs well, but
it shines more when played with the social aspect that co-op offers. Some
of the characters are balanced towards a co-op experience more than a single
player. If you are looking for a solid co-op, I would definitely recommend it.

This is a summary of what I talk about in the video, I am a YT'er not a Blogger
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