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1,091.7 hrs on record (764.0 hrs at review time)
I mean it makes streaming fun :D
Posted September 26, 2022.
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106.1 hrs on record (103.1 hrs at review time)
Look it's the best sim city like game ever!
Posted December 25, 2020.
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1,928.8 hrs on record (657.5 hrs at review time)
You like to grind? You like to slash things up? You like to collect? You like bitesized missions to grand epics?

....Well this game is great!
The developers know how to keep you going without going for lootboxes.
Did I say that all premium currency does is speed up the grind/wait times or allow you to buy customsation?
And even some customsation/items are only obtained by playing the game!

Yep this is a great game!
Posted December 7, 2019.
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5 people found this review helpful
2.8 hrs on record
I will say this easily:
The game has charm
It is based of Ace Attorney antics.
And is full of puns.

A great game, but... unlike Ace Attorney.
Ooh good god.. this game.. it's an expirence for one.
It's plot will make you think of how you want to get certain things done.
After the 1st case I was exhausted to find out the truth.

My only true con is the music.
It's all classic pieces wich is fine and fits great.. but alot of the time it doesn't play or doesn't set the mood correctly.
But that's an nitpick.
THis is a game that knows what it does.

This game's art style, music, animal head designs are all INTENTIONAL.
The lack of emotions on the charaters faces.. is done so you have to feel it in their words!
What is the truth you seek?
Find it out in Aviary Attorney!
Posted January 2, 2016.
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25 people found this review helpful
5.5 hrs on record
I will say this. This game is kind of based of the Wizard Wars engine wich isn't bad!
But.. pooh.. this game.. I am so mixed on it.

Do I recommend it.. sorta..
It's still a good sequal, but it falls in the tropes of being overshined then it's prequels.
So let me sum up the good and bad.

-Gameplay improved. Quick spells as well as manual cast is in the game. Element combining is nerfed but still great and the game feels overall more responsive. The fun thing to do is hit a death beam with a life beam to get a big boom.

- Visuals are improved.

-Humor is still there

-Good replayablity effort in the difficulty / custom difficulty settings

-Difficulty improved by mechanics. More control means harder enemies. Nothing wrong with that. You can't steam beam your way out of this game! Gotta be more creative!

The Bad:
-Game length. It felt shorter then the other one.

-The artifical difficulty. Though it is a hard game. They sometimes ramp it up too ludicrious levels by simply putting TOO MUCH ENEMIES into the screen. Especially of different variatiies.

-Game loves being wet. There are stage hazard but too many times are there puddles of water or rain or whatever to make you wet. This especially is annoying as enemies are immune to certain elements that combo with wet. While you are constantly wet! Wet immunity recommend or keep a water aura up.

-Bosses. Though Some bosses are well designed mechanic wise. Overall they fall flat over it's ancestor.
They don't feel epic enough from the last one or are just reskinned enemies.
Sometimes stages don't even give boss fights.
The worst offender is the final boss as it is gimmicky like hell and it's almost impossible to do!
It involves a mechanic you never could pratice + a mechanic that was flawed.

Stages weren't that interresting to me. The Final stage was a good idea. But other wise.. it felt a little blant.

The Story.. is.. well... nothing like the 1st game but interresting non the less.
I can say this with non spoiler ways.
"I have no idea how to feel of the ending of the game"
It is one of those types of stories. Tries to laugh, but.. I couldn't laugh.. something in this story made me feel differnet and think.

I wouldn't rate this game but.. for a magicka expirence it only improves on a few aspects in favor of the others.
Bugs are glitches are sitll around some even from the 1st game.
But it's still a more polished game in it's mechanics.
For now.. I am still saying:
Buy the original!

This one needs some patching or some DLC to make it enjoyable.
As for the final boss..
It's ridiclously frustrating.. it's not even THAT HARD of a boss!
It's just draining you on frustration rather then trying to kill you.
Posted June 1, 2015.
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4 people found this review helpful
51.0 hrs on record (8.7 hrs at review time)
Normally I wouldn't write a review but I enjoyed the game so much during my stream marathon.

If you like Sega Genesis Classic style this is the one.
It blends classic games together. Mostly Sonic and Gunstar Heroes.
It perfects on all those formula's into one crazy ride of a game.

The only thing I would say is if you play story mode.
I am not saying the story is bad or the voice acting is bad.
Infact these are top-notch.
But the scenes in between can be abit too long. Pulling you out of your action ready state.
It's nothing too game breaking just a minor complaint.
Besides you can play Classic mode and never have to worry about the scenes.

Otherwise playing the game is a blast. The story is fun, switching from Dark moments to Funny charming moments in a wisk.
The game is constantly trying to surprise you and it successfully does so. Never does the game feel unfair, atleast on normal.
All the bosses are a blast! Except the dragon boss that made me confused of how I beat him for a moment.

Level designs are great and make you go foward constantly. Only once was at a dead end confused to only find out it was a secret path for a collectable.
Other wise you can find the way back easily and progress.

I highly recommend the game and the prize of entry is fair.
If you haven't checked it out. You should. It has alot of gameplay value. Tons to do... and is made for speed running!

A perfect classic and indie game!
Posted May 17, 2015.
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