409 people found this review helpful
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0.0 hrs last two weeks / 164.9 hrs on record (94.2 hrs at review time)
Posted: Nov 7, 2014 @ 5:11am
Updated: Nov 7, 2014 @ 5:13am

Never thought that a strategy game would be the most thrilling gaming experience I have.

But scrupulous, hour long planning and carefully forging alliances and marriages, while keeping an eye on which direction rival countries are sending their diplomats to, because one wrong move can turn your plans to dust, is much more addictive than you might think. The relief you feel, after a long term plan of yours is finally set into successful motion, is not describable.

One of the few games where careful planning and thinking is actually rewarded. No simple rock-paper-scissors battles like in other strategy games. Even though my enemy may have the bigger and more advanced army, I might have won the war through logistics already.

Everything that needs to be said about this game, has actually been said already, but I just can't pass on the chance to show my appreciation for it. I'm +90hrs in, and I'm still finding new ways to play this game, everytime I start it up. It's complex, deep and rewards the player that thinks on a larger scale. One of the best purchases I made in years.
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