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7 people found this review helpful
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553.5 hrs on record (0.5 hrs at review time)
Egg Recipe

Difficulty: egg

Time: egg


:the_egg: egg
:the_egg: eight whole egg


Step one: put eight egg on plate

Step two: look at all those egg

Step three: congratuleggtion
Posted February 5.
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574.3 hrs on record (394.4 hrs at review time)
Posted November 25, 2023.
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15.1 hrs on record
At first I was probably going to buy Darktide because I loved Vermintide 1 and 2, but now?

Honestly getting a chance to participate in the beta has only got me more excited about the release, however!
Although I can't say for sure based on only the beta content, I did feel like they should spend another month or two before releasing the game.
I personally didn't experience many bugs however, the game did feel a little unpolished. It isn’t uncommon for Fatshark to add much-needed QOL changes only after release.

The Good?
+ Combat
I have to give Fatshark credit where credit is due! Their combat system has always felt extremely impactful and rewarding. Every hit comes with a satisfying thud that you can feel in your loins, Even their gunplay felt a lot more fun than most modern fps shooters I've played.

+ Level design and detail
A lot of attention to detail has been included to make you feel right at home with the God Emperor and the 40k universe, including worldwide rolling power outages like we have here in South Africa forcing you and your team to rely on your flashlights in this spooky horror game hoping Skaven don't bite your ankles :p

+ Enemy Variety and design
Although there has been some porting of monster/enemy types from previous games, they have been largely redesigned to fit perfectly in this universe and not to mention all the new enemies, one that always gets me is the trapper!!! The new suppression system and enemy AI has also improved drastically, with smarter non-horde enemies running and ducking from fire.

+Voice acting attention to detail
Fatshark has proven their ability here time and time again, with a quality cast of voice actors and top-tier implementation of quips and banter between characters, however removing set characters like we had in Vermintide does remove some potentially memeable and rememberable moments.

The not-so-good?
- UI
Although I understand that they would like to keep a certain aesthetic, a lot of the UI design requires some rework/overhaul to be more user-friendly and meaningful. For example, almost zero information is given about your party/squad during missions apart from some small barely noticeable icons. Then there is the unintuitive weapon stat system which is just confusing and doesn't explain much about their impact on your gameplay and how they compare to each other since they all just have random bars and stat variables barely relating to each other sometimes. Honestly, I can go on about this for days and is a personal pet peeve, especially after Vermitide's UI overhaul they completely ruined.

Although it isn't exactly bad, it also isn't exactly in a great place. With their addition to sliding and suppressive fire mechanics (which is really great IMO) came the desire for a little bit more, like leaning and vaulting for more maneuverability while being shot at from numerous enemies that you can barely see due to their range and low light conditions. The sliding feels nice but also just not quite there yet and needs slightly more work. I would love to be able to be slightly more agile and tactical in my positioning with leaning while shooting.

Although the combat system is rewarding the weapons themselves didn't feel quite so. Sure it's still only beta, however small things like an attachment system would've been a major game changer for this style of game. The trench shovel is still my fav though :P

-Why is there a social hub area?
I don't understand this one, sure it makes the game feel a little more alive, but generally isn't required, I'd much rather just have my squad in a little holding/mission brief area with shops accessible through the menu, running around just wastes time! Again just a personal preference.

-Character creation
Although I don't dislike it, I also don't particularly love it. I'd much rather have predesigned character/s that I can slightly mold into different careers and fall in love with those characters like so many have in vermintide. However, I can understand the decision as missions aren't locked to one of each class anymore and offer a lot more flexibility in team design. So I’m neutral on this one however, give us some more customization options so we can truly stand apart since honestly everyone still just kinda looked the same at the end of the day with the limited options.

-last and definitely not least and probably the main reason I didn't play more -> Graphics and OPTIMIZATION!!!
I could barely run the game at 30 fps even when using AMD FSR (sure my rig is old, but I still have a 4-core i7 and 980ti and 24GB ram)
I mean when a developer has to add a FAQ “Frames aren't great! What can I do?” and then proceeds to recommend FSR?! And I mean the graphics really aren’t that great to justify bad frames, let alone the maps that big. OPTIMIZE PLEASE!!! I will be buying an upgrade regardless before release, but seriously not everyone can afford the latest and greatest and having a game run optimally is extremely essential for such a fast-paced hack-and-slash shooter let alone making it playable and accessible to a larger audience and keeping them playing, I BEG YOU FATSHARK!!!
Posted October 17, 2022.
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245.7 hrs on record (66.7 hrs at review time)
Early Access Review
One word... Deathsquitos...
Posted November 28, 2021.
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7.9 hrs on record (6.4 hrs at review time)
better than fortnite :shrug:
Posted November 26, 2020.
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12.4 hrs on record (12.1 hrs at review time)
This is probably the best $1 I've spent in my entire life!
Be it alone jamming to the awesome soundtrack or joking around with friends, this game is heaps of fun and worth every penny.
Posted November 29, 2019.
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58.5 hrs on record (24.7 hrs at review time)
Early Access Review
For the price I would definitely recommend this game.
The game still has some ways to go in terms of balance, however is still enjoyable in its current state.

Be sure to pick it up on sale if you are interested as I do not regret my purchase.
Posted June 29, 2019.
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1,226.3 hrs on record (500.5 hrs at review time)
Wait what, I haven't written a review for this yet?

Anyway, I am going to be honest. I am a semi love hate relationship with this game.
I bought it because I loved the first one sooooooo much, but it was such a disappointment when it launched.

In my honest opinion it was "released" way too early. Only after 9 months of updates it's starting to look like what I wanted from release and even now it's not perfect.

I don't by any means expect it to be perfect though and to be fair I play this game everyday.

The witty character dialog, immersive environments and never ending slaughter of Skaven/Chaos hordes is what brings me back every time.

Having friends to play with makes it extra special, though solo plays and speed runs to test your skill against the relentless difficulty of the game can be extremely rewarding.

This game is really difficult to recommend to everyone as I believe it is a very niche game, though if you are interested I would recommend trying it out with some friends at least.
Posted November 24, 2018.
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3.6 hrs on record
Nice casual game to enjoy when you're bored :P
Posted May 25, 2018.
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