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게시 일시: 2016년 4월 16일 오후 12시 44분

Holy Hell this game is incredible. Incredibly BAD I mean ! There aren't many games with vampire so when I saw this one I pre-oredered it like an idiot and paid full price. I tried to play it but got stuck on an overpowered boss ( in normal, not even in hard ). The characters just die way too quickly and the controls suck so much there is nothing you can do about that.

Also the game displays 60fps but stutters like crazy it's unplayable, no matter the settings ( well, there aren't any settings anyway except resolution and some slider for graphics quality that does nothing ). Tried to deactivate Vsync, it doesn't work, tried launching in compatibility mode without Windows fancy visuals, still stutters.

I tried starting a new game, the tutorial bugged out after 2 minutes, when you take control of the girl and needs to kill two guys with yout crossbow : one of the enemy didn't show up, no way to continue...

On top of that the voice acting is laughable, the graphics are worst than a 2010 game, and it's just not fun to play, at all.

I like to play "bad" games, you can learn a lot from other's mistakes, gameplay wise, but at least the games I generally play WORK. This one doesn't.

Avoid at all costs.
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