Ham 26 feb 2020, ore 18:07 
Stinky poo poo
o_O 31 ott 2015, ore 14:52 
Happy Halloween! :tank:
o_O 11 dic 2014, ore 20:54 
+rep Always there to help :)
Proofs 30 set 2013, ore 20:06 
-rep only knows how to go ham
Proofs 5 set 2013, ore 22:57 
Happy Birthday. :)
Bufo 23 lug 2013, ore 10:09 
++++++++ Rep too many haters
Proofs 20 mag 2013, ore 18:38 
-rep goes on 'vacations'.
Jagatek 17 apr 2013, ore 20:34 
For the hours of demo he has he rocks. :x
Cali 26 mar 2013, ore 8:40 
I'm Cali and I approved this demo.
potatoesssssssssssssss 25 feb 2013, ore 17:42 
-rep uses that stupid short circuit thing -.-
76561198043873253 26 giu 2011, ore 17:34 
HEY BRO!!!!!!!!!