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현재 오프라인
lemonpie 2015년 7월 25일 오후 3시 16분 
RIP fredythepigs steam account June 12,2009-Idk
Satra 2010년 10월 10일 오후 4시 12분 
A girl was walking down a silent road
On a dark night
Nothing but trees surroned her
Nothing made a sound
No one stirred in the night
It started to rain
The girl shivered in the cold
And looked for shelter
Ahead of her a blue light was shining
She walked on steadily
The light grew bigger
She walked on
The light grew bigger
She walked on
The light grew bigger
She walked on
She was never seen again
Repost this in the next 13mintues
To 13 people and
You will have good luck for the rest of your life
If you fail to repost this to 13 people in 13 minutes
You will have bad luck
You will have financial trouble and
You will never fall in love and
One day you walk to the blue light
niosporin 2010년 9월 10일 오후 7시 38분 
Come Back on u havent been on in ages
{An} Atrix 2010년 8월 15일 오후 1시 11분 
……..,'::::::::::,~'': : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : '-|
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……..'|:::::::,': : : : : : :_„„-: : : : : : : : ~--„_: |'
………|::::::|: : : „--~~'''~~''''''''-„…_..„~''''''''''''¯¯|¯",
………|:::::,':_„„-|: : :_„---~: : :|''¯¯''''|: ~---„_: |¯¯|
……..,~-,_/'': : : |: :(_ o__): : |: : : :|:(_o__): \.. |
……../,'-,: : : : : ''-,_______,-'': : : : ''-„______\-'
Hank Hill is watching you masterbate'
ццц 2010년 7월 25일 오전 9시 35분 
Comm.Obvious 2010년 3월 29일 오전 3시 19분 
lol its stiil me hammer just diff name