Ewan J. Redding Dec 7, 2016 @ 12:11am 
Hey there, long time no chat. ^^ I know, it's not your fault, really it's mine for being so quiet, things have just been pretty hectic on my end for a while now. In any case, I haven't forgotten about you, and I'm interested in potentially chatting with you again if you'd like. If so, feel free to send me a message anytime.
Pixel Slayer May 5, 2012 @ 8:54pm 
-comment back-
Smolar Aug 10, 2011 @ 9:54am 
it's you
WyldeFyres Dec 16, 2010 @ 3:56pm 
That is highly inappropriate
Spikeyroxas Jun 14, 2010 @ 11:52am 