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Julkaistu: 27.3.2016 klo 16.38

I consider myself to be a big fan of the JRPG genre, having played most of Square / Square Enix’s offerings in the 1990s and 2000s, but The Last Remnant just didn’t do it for me.

The game’s plot is unoriginal and uninspired and the characters are frankly annoying. However, that could be ignored if the gameplay was good. Unfortunately, it isn’t. The Last Remnant’s main problem is that it expects you to make a massive time commitment to it just to do the basics. The combat system is extremely convoluted and the game does a poor job of explaining how everything works. Just walking from one area to another takes forever and feels like a chore.

Unless you’re the world’s biggest JRPG fanboy and/or unemployed give this game a miss.
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