Happy Little Accidents   Austria
Cheeki Breeki
Zurzeit online
Why don't you stay for a while and take a look.
If you have come this far, congratulations, you may not be a bot or trader. :bleach:
As far as trading goes im not interested in trading in any way,
otherwise i will seek people to trade with.

My origin is Austria, my english vocabulary is good enough to talk with most people.
My age is of no importance, as only friends and special people will know it.
Need any further info ? Just hit me up with a message.

If you want to game with me, why don't you hit me up with a little chat and maybe we can
have some fun playing whatever we feel like.
The 91st Mobile Reconnaissance Unit
Im Spiel
Im Chat
Darkibi01 7. Mai um 13:02 
ich hab das Finanzamt mim Katana erwischt das glaubt mir keiner.
Lazy Canuck 27. Dez. 2022 um 7:38 
this guy probably has old people smell :bandit:
ORF - Beitragsservice 8. Jan. 2021 um 14:20 
󠁳⁧⁧Pluto 27. Juli 2019 um 16:20 
I received a message from your coffee dealer he says he ran out of coffee.
sorry for giving you the bad news umu
󠁳⁧⁧Pluto 30. Sep. 2018 um 7:42 
Jens stop calling people that
Jenssile 30. Sep. 2018 um 1:23 