Spychosis Jul 25, 2023 @ 11:34pm 
Kaleidoscope Kay May 22, 2022 @ 4:14pm 
Watch out for this worthless POS on your griends list. He's the slimiest, most toxic DotA player I have ever seen. He's saltier than my vag after 60 minutes of hot yoga and more toxic than a bag of syphilitic d!cks. He likes to troll his team and throw like a Peruvian pole smoking incel b!tch boy. Rectal cancer would be preferable to playing with this d0uche nozzle. People like him are the reason abortion exists. He is clearly overcompensating for low self eseteem and a small p3nis.
Jteezy21 Apr 26, 2021 @ 7:09pm 
♥♥♥♥♥♥ player
get good please