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6 people found this review helpful
1.8 hrs on record
Dungeon Siege is a classic role-playing game that marked its era and continues to captivate players with its blend of action, adventure, and strategy. This game offers an immersive experience in a rich and detailed fantasy world.

For a game released in 2002, Dungeon Siege's graphics were revolutionary. The environments are vast and varied, ranging from lush forests to dark, oppressive dungeons. The character and monster models are well-detailed, and the lighting effects add an immersive touch to the exploration.

Dungeon Siege's gameplay is smooth and intuitive. The real-time combat system, combined with party management, offers a dynamic gaming experience. You can control an entire team of heroes, each with their own skills and equipment, adding appreciable strategic depth.

Character progression is gradual and rewarding. As you progress, you unlock new skills and upgrades that allow you to face increasingly powerful enemies.

Dungeon Siege's soundtrack is immersive and perfectly accompanies the game's action. The ambient music and sound effects enhance the atmosphere of the fantasy world you explore, making every battle and exploration even more memorable.

The multiplayer mode allows you to share the adventure with friends, adding a cooperative dimension to the game. Group quests are particularly enjoyable and offer considerable replayability.

Dungeon Siege is a must-play for role-playing and adventure game enthusiasts. Its rich world, engaging gameplay, and immersive soundtrack make it a classic worth rediscovering. If you're looking for an epic adventure that will keep you on the edge of your seat for hours, Dungeon Siege is the game for you.

Rating: 8.5/10
Posted July 19, 2022. Last edited June 2.
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14 people found this review helpful
8.2 hrs on record
Early Access Review
Carnal Instinct est un jeu pour adultes qui se démarque par son approche audacieuse et sans compromis de la sexualité et du désir. Ce jeu offre une expérience immersive qui combine des éléments d'aventure, de RPG et de contenu érotique explicite.

Graphismes :
Les graphismes de Carnal Instinct sont impressionnants, avec des modèles de personnages détaillés et des environnements soigneusement conçus. Les animations des personnages sont fluides et réalistes, contribuant à l’immersion et à l'atmosphère du jeu.

Gameplay :
Le gameplay de Carnal Instinct mélange des éléments d’exploration, de combat et de quêtes, avec une forte composante érotique. Les joueurs peuvent interagir avec divers personnages et découvrir des scénarios sexuels explicites tout en progressant dans l'histoire. Les mécaniques de jeu sont bien développées, offrant un équilibre entre l'action et le contenu adulte.

L'évolution des personnages et la personnalisation sont des points forts, permettant aux joueurs de façonner leur expérience en fonction de leurs préférences et de leurs fantasmes.

Bande-son :
La bande-son de Carnal Instinct est immersive et bien adaptée à l'ambiance générale du jeu. Les musiques d'ambiance et les effets sonores ajoutent une couche supplémentaire de sensualité, renforçant les scènes érotiques et les moments d'exploration.

Multijoueur :
Bien que principalement une expérience solo, Carnal Instinct propose également des fonctionnalités multijoueurs permettant de partager certaines expériences avec d'autres joueurs. Cela ajoute une dimension sociale intéressante et augmente la rejouabilité.

Conclusion :
Carnal Instinct est un jeu qui sait ce qu'il veut offrir : une exploration audacieuse et sans complexe des désirs humains. Ce n'est pas un jeu pour tout le monde, mais pour ceux qui cherchent une expérience adulte immersive et bien réalisée, il est difficile de trouver mieux. Entre ses graphismes impressionnants, son gameplay engageant et son contenu érotique explicite, Carnal Instinct est une aventure unique en son genre.

Note : 7.5/10
Posted March 13, 2022. Last edited June 2.
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10 people found this review helpful
23.0 hrs on record

Age of Empires IV is a brilliant revival of the legendary franchise that defined the real-time strategy genre. This new installment successfully captures the essence of the classic games while introducing welcome innovations.

The graphics of Age of Empires IV are stunning. The environments are detailed and lively, with beautifully modeled buildings and units. The animations are smooth and realistic, making battles and civilization management particularly immersive.

The gameplay stays true to the formula that made the series a success: base building, resource management, and epic battles. However, Age of Empires IV introduces notable improvements, such as more sophisticated siege mechanics and units with special abilities. The different civilizations have unique characteristics that significantly influence strategy, adding extra depth to the game.

The campaign mode is particularly well-designed, offering captivating and educational historical scenarios. Each mission is an interactive history lesson, enriching the gaming experience.

The soundtrack is simply magnificent. The orchestral music and sound effects greatly contribute to the immersion. The voices of the units and narrators add authenticity and cultural richness, perfectly complementing the overall experience.

The multiplayer mode is robust and well-structured, with options for competitive and cooperative games. The servers are stable and latency is minimal, providing a smooth and enjoyable gaming experience.

Age of Empires IV is a triumphant return for the series, offering both nostalgia and modernity. The stunning graphics, enriched gameplay, and immersive soundtrack make it a must for fans of the series and strategy game enthusiasts. This game captures the essence of what made Age of Empires special while introducing innovations that make it fresh and exciting.

Rating: 9/10
Posted November 26, 2021. Last edited June 2.
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19 people found this review helpful
6 people found this review funny
1.2 hrs on record
Rogue Company had all the makings of a great tactical shooter, but unfortunately, it's plagued by major issues that ruin the gaming experience.

The graphics are decent but nothing revolutionary. The environments and characters are well-modeled, but the visual aspect lacks polish. Graphical bugs frequently appear, which detracts from the immersion.

The core gameplay is solid, with well-thought-out shooting and cover mechanics. However, the game is infested with cheaters, making matches unfair and frustrating. Aimbots, wallhacks, and other cheats are rampant, and the developers seem unable to control this plague.

In addition to cheating, there are numerous and often critical bugs. Connection issues, random crashes, and frequent desynchronizations between players destroy the enjoyment of playing. The community is toxic, and the reporting system is ineffective, leaving honest players with no recourse against cheaters and abusive behavior.

The soundtrack is passable, but it fails to make up for the game's other shortcomings. Sound effects are sometimes poorly synchronized, and the character voices lack variety and expressiveness.

The multiplayer mode, which should be the heart of the game, is a real disappointment. Matchmaking times are long, and you often end up with unbalanced teams. Cheating is pervasive, and punishments are rare, discouraging legitimate players from continuing to play.

Rogue Company has enormous potential, but it's unfortunately ruined by rampant cheating, bugs, and connection issues. Unless the developers take drastic measures to address these problems, it's hard to recommend this game. If you're looking for a fair and enjoyable tactical shooter experience, look elsewhere.

Rating: 3/10
Posted August 29, 2021. Last edited June 2.
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