So brooo... I got these ppl I keep seeing from the same place, same type of ppl

keep coming back, thing is i'm done with the same old ppl, I want to move on to

newer ppl I mean they're not angry or mean mad trolls or anything, they're

nice and whatever, they think i'm some sort of "legend," bc I get fedup with bullsh!t,

they're just weird ppl, and I just want to be dead to them already so they

can just forget about me and move on, because L4D2 is not the same, and it's not

even most of the community's fault, it's updates and incompatibility and sht, i'm not

anti-social i'm just ready to move on from that community, wished we could have

chilled in Steam Universe back whenit was still good for a while, but imma keep trying.
Iron Knights Mar 29 @ 4:54pm 
Ok, how do I un-steam the last of my good games ? You got me interested, still banned in Community Forums.
Scorpion Mar 17 @ 12:31am 
I cannot make predictions, but we all need peace. He was the president of no-wars, so thankfully, we know what to expect. I wish the best for every place.
GuRu Asaki Mar 16 @ 7:11pm 
My Hrs In Games Are All By My Hands,
I Very Rarely Have A Case Where I'm
Idle In A Game Generating Hrs In It,
& That Isn't Intentional, It's Mostly Due
To A Long Day, Or Something Where
I've Had A Game Paused Or At The
Main Menu For Too Long, Because
I'm Half Awake, Or Busy Doing Something,
& My Brain Is Elsewhere, lOl...

Again, It's Rare, & Almost Never Happens,
But I've Had A Game Or Two, Maybe At Most??

Everything Else Was By Hand, =D
that ES not even a year in I just love it when somebody is saying "you're a total

creep, virgin, pedo" ALWAYS has some sort of fanfic library, or hidden activity nobody

sees on their own time sort of like the ppl who are like "wow a thousand hours in a game"

but they got more hours on their dms and sms and scrolling than sleep;D

fact he had to make a pathetic point out of an obvious joke is LOOOL

I need some British brony with an elderly mother to tell me i'm a liar and that I'm

the b'tch and to go vote my freedom away because it's "right" while he jrks off to struggles
GuRu Asaki Mar 13 @ 2:42am 
lOl, yes Anime Wave Simulator??

Ehh, kinda hard to find anything lately with STEAM,
my overall satire state is drying up content sorta a bit,
Anime Wave Simulator was kinda a trial run to see
if I could figure out something to pass the time,
while Culture was on Pause...
WAIT, loool 'anime wave simulator,' ah I see it now, but yk whats scarier, I think having

no activity is way scarier than that, I'll never forget that one game on a commenter's

activity who complained like you did 'Jenny's Dong Got It Goin' On,' I'm ♥♥♥♥ DYiN'

all likelihood that you're a Steven Seagal Stuntman >
ES Mar 6 @ 8:39am 
Not at all surprising that you're a fat sack of sh*t that wants to f*ck cartoon children.
Angel Feb 29 @ 4:41pm 
Just dropping by out of respect; always nice to hear from different perspectives. :steamthumbsup:
tiny E Feb 28 @ 2:40am 
Sorry about the mix up.
I was having a ♥♥♥♥ day and kept getting crap from other people.
I GAME ON LINUX Feb 27 @ 2:24am 
that’s him officer, he escaped from mental asylum
tiny E Feb 26 @ 3:52pm 
"You Believe You Shouldn't
Support American Goods

When did I say that?
D-Black Catto Feb 18 @ 3:14am 
nice art, reminds me of art exhibition in my primary school
Muse Snooze Feb 5 @ 9:11pm 
Stop typing like a bloody knobhead.
Human`Mankind Feb 5 @ 2:19pm 
Thank you, my friend! :Milla:
Human`Mankind Feb 5 @ 1:37pm 
I started working with tea. To study the history of the product, fermentation and brewing. It's honestly interesting :BR_Skull:
Human`Mankind Feb 1 @ 3:40am 
How are you doing? Tell me :koller:
GuRu Asaki Jan 30 @ 11:50pm 
@Alt-Reichous Salesman

Well see...

@Team Skull

You Won't Read This, But If You Do?

I'm Gonna Shock Everyone, Belive It...
Then We'll See Who's Da Moron?
GOD this would be SO EASY
Leeloo Jan 20 @ 3:21pm 
actual moron, talks ♥♥♥♥ on topics they dont understand because they want to feel big and important. seek help, and eat a bag of ♥♥♥♥♥.
People these days seem to only have an interest in anything as it suits them. When force is applied though we'll see how compliant they are and where on the integer graph in the form of a timeline they'll want their coefficient to point them towards (pointing to the past because today is almost unlivable). There's action reaction and inaction, it's a shame that all 3 are used fallibly, and we pay the price. The scale is almost tipped, we have less than a year to get things moving linear or this country and possibly the world are on the broad stroke of a serious decline. Always bring attention like you have, get those loyal who understand unified in an inner circle, and Godspeed our destination is hell on a one-way trip crazy train.
I mean no challenge can be surmounted by someone who is ill prepared for it, and you're one of the only people to have the courage to take a stand where others lay down on serious issues. We'll succeed this year it's the year of change one way or another, not in the form of some ubiquitous term, but change that is necessitated by our environment that is forcing us to change to the way they like things. F*CK their forced "change" is my saving grace. The world makes no sense because the meaning was extracted from it, well it's time for someone to give it meaning again and a fulfilled purpose, it's causes that make us important, many people have acted like they have already died in the fight, but wait until they actually have to start fighting for their lives and then see the transition they partake.
You're a prepper, and a survivalist in the mundane mind, our society is being run by people who want to be Gods and masters well today is the day we show this world there are no Gods or masters or overrulers, people who just want simplicity, who want things to work the way they're supposed to and have to get us to this very point in human history, we want people in the world to have working psychology to fill in blanks and not to be blank, you share these ideals which is why you're determined for success you know what it takes to get people to understand what you're making an effort for, and you have loyalty by others for it even if you deal with some sht out of people don't mind them they're busy being useful vehicles to drive other peoples' reasons.
Maria Dec 31, 2023 @ 8:56am 
:Blue_Stars: Happy-happy new year 2024 :Blue_Stars: :nkLove:
GuRu Asaki Dec 3, 2023 @ 1:18pm 
Ain't that the Truth
Hell Raiser Gamergate Reservist Dec 1, 2023 @ 3:24pm 
I've seen it too, it's called "The F*cking of America"
gringo Nov 24, 2023 @ 3:58am 
i have joe biden and donald trump séxtape, wanna see?
Human`Mankind Nov 20, 2023 @ 3:22am 
let's hope
Human`Mankind Nov 19, 2023 @ 6:50am 
me and two of my friends checked. everything works. look for the problem on your side
Ohnely_Riq Nov 16, 2023 @ 6:43pm 
Shes nice and I like here. Just scared shes just being friendly to me and I'm overthinking it
Ohnely_Riq Nov 16, 2023 @ 5:14am 
Theres also this really nice and cute girl I like in school she talks to me out of the blue sometimes ands comes with me to buy snack and drinks. I really like her and i want to be closer to her but I know this stuff happens all the time and they dont end well. Right?
Ohnely_Riq Nov 16, 2023 @ 5:00am 
Anyways whats your new job? i hope you're doing great
Ohnely_Riq Nov 16, 2023 @ 4:59am 
I'm having a pretty bad week. Failed this school grading so guess I'm gonna get beat up for that ♥♥♥♥. I haven't had a good sleep in a while and I got 4 ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ tests coming next week. Feeling kinda left out and awkward at school, not really being happy there at school that much since i just get called the n-word there. I don't really know how to just talk and make conversations with people cause they think I'm weird and awkward, even when i make small talk they look at me and ask who tf I am. its whatever though.
Human`Mankind Nov 15, 2023 @ 8:21am 
What error does it show?
Ohnely_Riq Oct 1, 2023 @ 12:18am 
I'm currently learning to sew very fun hobby and very calming. Also how are you?
HulaGirl86 Sep 30, 2023 @ 6:17am 
⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ ⣼⠓⢄⠀⠀
Hello dear friend.
Human`Mankind Aug 16, 2023 @ 9:40pm 
I meant inner consciousness, mental sensation. Things are good then and now.
Human`Mankind Aug 16, 2023 @ 1:04pm 
Recently returned from Sevastopol.

I lived there for a year and also disappeared from the Steam Community.

Found a job a few days ago. Everything is getting better.

Thank you for writing to me and good luck with your job search mate :awkward:
Ohnely_Riq Aug 14, 2023 @ 4:35am 
Hey there GuRu im alright here and thanks for asking. Also thanks for checking in on me feels nice having a person talk to me out of the blue since I have no one to talk to much since school ended a few weeks ago. But now im just focusing on working out and improving my skills on my sport right now. Im also trying to learn Russian since I think its a nice language

Also Good luck on your job I know you can push through whatever problem this world is bringing on you man. And im happy your getting a job and improving your self everyday.

Anyways, Thank you so much for talking to me, feels really nice. Your a great person man. Good luck on everything and stay hard.
Human`Mankind Aug 5, 2023 @ 9:27am 
Hey man. How are u? Haven't talked in a long time. Write in my coments :emofdr:
GuRu Asaki Jul 29, 2023 @ 12:42am 
Anyone Reading My Hateful Profile:

In a Nut shell was a distraction to get people to leave me alone,
I meant none of it, & it'll be removed soon. As Marked Beast said?

It's a Culture War, & it's a War I want nothing to do with,
I just wanted people to get off my back, & stay away from
my Profile. So far? It's worked pretty well.

But as I said, it no longer has a purpose. So i'm removing it soon.
Hell Raiser Gamergate Reservist Jul 27, 2023 @ 4:18pm 
He's referring to the culture war dude which has nothing to do with a race it's about turning people on themselves and causing them to use reverse-psychology and self-racism to get other people to be nice to them through the soft bigotry of low expectation if that were to happen then of course you'd go for the nicer person and also if it was vice versa what's going to happen is every race collectively is going to unify to sort each others communities out with the race-baiters and grifters who use this left wing right wing duopoly to make people choose a side through the same deepstate people are one step closer after most today agree that both police and federal agencies of 4 or more letter acronyms are an enemy of the people and that's what's real
CaptainCurl Jul 11, 2023 @ 4:19pm 
so if a white person killed a black dude and that black dude was the nicest person you could ever meet you would like the white person more? And why:steamfacepalm:
Pyroflamer May 31, 2023 @ 6:49pm 
T-800 is my main account and Steam would never notify you if someone in your friends list has a hijacked account and it was I who sent the apology message as that happened after I recovered my account from the hijacker. Don't worry, there is nobody in your friends list that is responsible for the hijacking. Even I don't know who the user was. Remember this account that I'm using to message you IS my main account. Sorry if I didn't clarify enough and for any confusion.
Pyroflamer May 31, 2023 @ 11:54am 
I don't have another Steam account unless you mean my main. In that case, I've no idea, it could be a lot of things. For example, my computer could've been hit with some malware which gave my password to the hijacker but even then it wouldn't make sense because I have Steam Guard Mobile Authenticator active. As far as I know for fact is the hijacker was from Russia and all the person did was sent scam messages to a lot of my friends like you but believe me they could've done a lot worse. People like them have nothing else better to do so they do stuff like this unfortunately. :maaad:
Scurrybt May 20, 2023 @ 5:03pm 
Cool profile!
Pyroflamer Apr 24, 2023 @ 11:36am 
I'm sorry I did not send that scam message, my account has been hacked please forgive me.
BLUE METH ABSORBER Apr 12, 2023 @ 2:35pm 
you are crazy
Heckin' computer Apr 12, 2023 @ 8:29am 
You know the whole series is out right now on Guess what I've been watching the last few days :TheRooster:
Oligarch Apr 10, 2023 @ 5:07am 
Why you don't wanna send your kids to schools ?