I don't play many games except for Guitar Hero, Kingdom hearts and games from the Orange Box. One of my favorite characters in TF2 is Pyro. I wish I could play games all day.. but sadly, school comes 1st. So if you don't see me for a while, that means i'm either letting my friend play on my computer or because I have a ton of work.

So I have a question for you. Yes you, looking at my profile right now. This question is important, so pay attention: If you could only choose one, which would you have, The Protal Gun or the Gravity Gun 2.0?

Favortie Quotes From Games:

"So, wake up, Mr. Freeman. Wake up and smell the ashes." ~ The G-Man (HalfLife2)

"Time, Dr. Freeman? Is it really that time again? It seems as if you only just arrived." ~ The G-Man (HalfLife2)

"you're not a good person, you know. Good people don't get here." ~ Glados (Portal)

"The Cake is a Lie." ~ (Portal)

"Assume the party escort submission position." Glados (Portal)

"We make good team!" ~ Heavy (TF2)

"With great power comes great responsibility" ~ Stan Lee
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