5 people found this review helpful
Not Recommended
0.0 hrs last two weeks / 8.6 hrs on record
Posted: Oct 28, 2014 @ 9:36am

Playing this game is a good way to cure thine nostalgia for ye olde school games. Painfully slow, pointless, repetitive and nowhere near the brilliance of the old Warcraft. The combat section is especially poorly done, The words "strategy" and "tactics" are simply meaningless in this game, never mind what the manual claims. More appropriate words would be chaos and stupidity. Also, you have to constantly feed your troops, one at a time, so feel free to add the words "Chow Time" which is what your troops do 80% of the time.

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Volk Mar 31, 2015 @ 6:18am 
You're pointless.
Blueshift Oct 29, 2014 @ 8:01pm 
Positively annoyed that this is the best RTS game ever made, friend?