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投稿日: 2015年10月1日 14時42分

What content there is, is actually extremely well made.

The problem with this game right now, however, is that despite more than a year in development only one level has been added to the game. This means that the entire game is literally two levels, one of which was free to download in alpha form last year. While following development, we were promised three to five levels. The second level was added to the game in July. With it now being October, I assumed that they would have added at least one, and probably more, clients before moving from early access to full release.

With only two total levels, and no obvious guarantee of any future content; I can't justify the current asking price.
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1 件のコメント
ZedClampet 2017年3月10日 11時27分 
Just letting you know they added more content in case, like me, you missed the update announcement. :)