Freya Greyfall   Hampshire, United Kingdom (Great Britain)
"nothing is impossible, Except impossability itself" - Unknown

"A sound soul dwells within a sound mind and a sound body." - Maka (Soul eater, Every single episode)

"A sword wields no strength unless the hand that holds it has courage." - Hero's Shade (Legend of Zelda: Twilight Princess)

"courage is not the lack of fear, but the will to go on despite it." - Unknown

"If you let your desires change you in this world, it will change who you are in the real world. The player and the in-game character are one and the same." - Kirito (Sword Art Online anime Ep.19)

"Time does not truely exist, it is a concept created by man. To change the past you must change reality itself, not time." - Unknown

"Reality is based on perception, if you percive an event in a particular way then that is how it will happen." - Unkown
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About me:
Hi! My name is Lina and welcome to my profile.
I Suffer from social anxiety disorder among other things.

I am a bit shy and probably a fair bit insecure about myself, when it comes to in person i am even more shy and insecure than online.

I'm a passionate gamer, PC and xbox one mostly with a lot of other consoles thrown in there when i feel like playing them. I'll also do some D&D and Warhammer games from time to time when I have someone else to play with. With my gaming, I also livestream over twitch though my channels not very busy yet i hope it will grow. I also have a few side hobbies that I dabble in, leather working and making models, i like to experiment with new hobbies like this.

I should say with my gaming, I spend a lot of time in Fallout 4, Smash bros, but i play more or less every kind of game. The short list changes every few months, honestly. I have a pretty wide array of consoles as well, N64, WiiU, 3DS, PS1-3, Vita, Xbox/360/one.

I don't watch much TV, but do catch the occasional Dr Who when it's on and enjoy a good movie.

Mostly trying to focus on my streaming and chatting with friends. Trying my best to be more social when I can.

I spend a lot of time thinking about strange things such as these:

How a living plushie dinosaur with a bow tie would be perfect for advising me in my day to day legal matters.

Whether hell is only on fire because Santa keeps giving the people down there coal for Christmas.

Why packets of Oreo's are always delivered upside down