Flodos [47th JOU]

This is the profile of the Functional Leisure Oberver Disc Operating System. This Aperture initiative helps us create better leisure for, with and through YOU. Now of course this needs constant updating and my engineers tell me they'll quit if i ask them anything else, so here's where YOU come in! Just send any and all feedback this way via the comments, so we know what to fix. Much appreciated.

- Cave Johnson, Aperture Science CEO
Currently Offline
Rarest Achievement Showcase
Vinegar_ Nov 13, 2014 @ 6:33am 
This FLODOS device is malfunctioning. It doesn't even play dota with us.

Please fix this error right away for a 10/10 Black Mesa review rating.

-Slippy and Scalpel
Brush Sep 6, 2014 @ 10:12am 
+rep DJ m3lon approved